- Catch subway for 45 minutes from Nonhyeun to Hapjeong.
- Wait for 30 minutes while hungover friend wakes up.
- Sit and drink coffee for an hour waiting for other friend to turn up.
- Catch subway for 1 hour from Hapjeong to Incheon.
- Wait for 30 minutes at bus stop.
- Catch bus (30-45 minutes) to Incheon airport.
- Get dropped off 2klms from ferry terminal. Walk for 20-30 minutes.
- Wait for ferry (5 minutes).
- Catch ferry (2 minutes).
- Catch small bus (5 minutes).
- Arrive at “Silmi Resort” at 6pm to find low tide, mud flats and no water.
- Spend an hour sitting on the beach.
- Decide to return home because someone else has to work the next day.
- Repeat steps 8-10 in reverse.
- Arrive at Incheon airport. Friend loses phone somewhere in airport (discovered later).
- Catch airport bus back to Hapjeong in 35 minutes.
- Realise what a complete waste of time outward journey was.
- Finally eat dinner in Hongdae around 10pm.
- Catch subway back to Nonhyeun at midnight.
- Forced to get off subway after four stops.
- Subway closes.
- Catch group taxi with maniac driver.
- Finally arrive home around 1am.
- Never do this again.
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