(Anagram) Nation

Daydream Native No
Daydream Native On
Daydream Naive Ton

Daydream Naive Not
Daydream Novena It
Daydream Novena Ti

Daydream Novae Nit
Daydream Novae Tin
Daydream Neat Vino

Daydream Ante Vino
Daydream Nave Into
Daydream Vane Into

Daydream Ovate Inn
Daydream Anion Vet
Daydream Anti Oven

Daydream Vain Note
Daydream Vain Tone
Daydream Vita Neon

Daydream Vita None
Daydream Via Tonne
Daydream Nova Nite

4 responses

  1. Mark avatar

    i was experimenting with a poem last week where i’d alter the letters in the words of one line, then repeat them over… similar to this. except i couldn’t get it to work, and you did. niiice.

  2. davey avatar

    Cheers, Mark – but I owe it all to an anagram generator!

  3. Paul avatar

    Dear Sir,
    Soon you’ll be writing Flarfff, David, haha. I can’t imagine a worse fate for a poet. Just wanted to drop by and ask if you had noticed how many journals these days are asking for ‘contributions’ and posting ‘contribution guidelines’ instead of asking for ‘submission’ and publishing ‘submission policies’. Soon the rest of Aus Lit will catch up to you in realising the balance of power has already shifted.
    You are doing a fantastic job, keep up the great work.
    Mister Ponderous.

  4. davey avatar

    Submission is a bit of a strange word though, isn’t it? I always feel a bit weird when I see the word ‘submit’ used as a link (as we do on Cordite, I think) – by clicking on this link you submit to us … Contribute does sound a bit nicer.

    As for Flarf, well, I submitted myself to its evil influences a long time ago … and haven’t been the same since.

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