come here blossom fall down
here on my lap & let me
run my fingers through your
delicate pink petals the way
you used to like it in spring-
time when you were all in
bloom oh blossom remember
every season is another reason
to love you tender blossom come
on back over here don’t let
the wind blow your fragrance
in another direction blossom
let me be the lucky little bee
climbing ever so carefully
towards your sweet sticky
centre oh blossom who’d dare
pluck your perfect beauty?
here on my lap & let me
run my fingers through your
delicate pink petals the way
you used to like it in spring-
time when you were all in
bloom oh blossom remember
every season is another reason
to love you tender blossom come
on back over here don’t let
the wind blow your fragrance
in another direction blossom
let me be the lucky little bee
climbing ever so carefully
towards your sweet sticky
centre oh blossom who’d dare
pluck your perfect beauty?
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