Tag: o’dowd
The First Letter
2 min read
I am not going to praise your poetry to you B. O’D. BUT! you make the leaves & the grasses speak for themselves! great scald of demos i am yours! master bending down to meh! like a tree of man your mighty river flows through days your poems like a dripping tap & i a…
2 min read
This poem first appeared in Overland (2008) and was anthologized in Thirty Australian Poets (UQP, 2011).
Words From the Master
2 min read
Revered master Dear Walt, my beloved master, my friend, my bard my prophet and apostle – Dear Bernard My dear master! Your good, long varied and loving letter came yesterday and has been welcome and nourishing to meh. My dear master! I cannot reply properly, we have been treading air since Dear Bernard O’Dowd (and…
Greetings To Whitman
1 min read
revered master dear walt, my beloved master, my friend, my bard my prophet and apostle my dear master my dear master my dear master my dear master and (may I say?) comrade my dear master my dear master B. O’D.
O’Dowd Seeks Whitman
1 min read
I am 24, red hair, plain features, and a little too backward for my own good. B. O’D. 24yo dawn-red hair western districts oz poet seeks 80ish NS/SD amerikan dusky-grey hair ex-civil war nurse poet for inter-continental correspondences & hero worship – must heart ozpo philo/sci-fi &/or long walks on beach FYI both parents RC…
1 min read
Brennan’s contemporary, Bernard O’Dowd, espoused the cause of nationalism, and attained a far greater reputation in his day; but unlike Brennan’s, his work has dated badly. Judith Wright, A Book of Australian Verse (1968)