PC Bangs

My poetry in the real world

It’s been a while since I updated my publications page, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy sending stuff out. Well, actually, I’ve been busy waiting for journals and magazines to respond to my submissions. All writers know this…


Two of the poems I wrote in Seoul, namely “Hoju Bihang-gi” and “imaginary cities: saga” have just been published in the second issue of Peril, the Asian-Australia literary magazine. It’s a pretty nifty site, actually, and you can even rate…

Imaginary City in Stylus!

Issue 22 of Stylus Poetry Journal is out now, featuring some kewl haiku plus poetry by Frances Raven, Justin Lowe, Barbara Archer, Julie Beveridge, Caroline Gilbo, Leanne Hills, Graham Nunn, Ynes Sanza, Jena Woodhouse, Caleb Puckett, Mandy Beaumont, Alison Eastley…

Guru Josh, Softblow & GDS

Last night’s Going Down Swinging launch, held at Yelza in Fitzroy, was great fun. So much fun in fact that I’m only now on the verge of consciousness, my detox plans having been shredded, thrown out and then reassembled by…

Poem in Snorkel #3!

Last year Australian poet Cath Vidler set up a new online magazine called Snorkel, the aim of which is to showcase the best in Australian and New Zealand poets (plus I guess anyone else who’s good). I submitted a couple…