Blackbox Manifold
I’m really pleased to say that three works from my Leaves of Glass MS – namely, ‘Cute’, ‘Rivet’ and ‘Swagman Ted’ – have found an electronic home in UK-based online journal Blackbox Manifold. I’ve almost lost count of how many…
I’m really pleased to say that three works from my Leaves of Glass MS – namely, ‘Cute’, ‘Rivet’ and ‘Swagman Ted’ – have found an electronic home in UK-based online journal Blackbox Manifold. I’ve almost lost count of how many…
1. Iz in ur bodeh xtrc, Teh rms ob dey iz luvs purr meh. Iz w00t an iz purr dey, Dey not want! meh purr till iz go wif dey, respawnd dey, An puur dey, an den WTF dey ful…
B ceiling cat – b at eez wif meh – Iz r W00t Wiitmeh, libaral az lusteh Naychar; Not want till teh sun xclusd yu, do I xclusds yu; Not want till teh watars refewez rutsl can haz yu, an…
An Ceiling Cat sayed, im in ur waterz makin a ceiling. LOLCats Bible, Genesis 1:6 1. O hai iz cebrayt meh, b in ur meh, An wut I as00m yu shal as00m, Fur iz atomm belons meh as srly belons…
” … a cabinet was specially made. O’Dowd’s wife Evangeline had an uncle, Jethro Fryer, a carpenter who took on this task. SANDRA BURT i hammer nails & saw wood (to make his house of whitman his shadow cabinet not…