Tag: wordpress (page 2 of 4)

Pimpin’ my portfolio

Now that the messy task of fixing the broken links on this website is, temporarily at least, over and done with, I’ve been working on a better way to present the various books, theses, websites and projects that I’ve either produced or been involved with over the years.

I originally used the Portfolio Post Type plugin, which creates a custom post taxonomy for portfolio items, and the Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg plugin, which makes it easier to create fancy-looking blocks on pages and posts.

Since switching to the Chaplin theme, I’ve resigned myself to using Jetpack to display portfolio posts instead.

In any case, I’ve now come up with a new Portfolio page, which simply lists all of my portfolio items.

At this stage I’m mostly concentrating on my poetry publications prior to 2014. For each work, I’ve tried to provide some contextual information, metadata, links and a PDF download.

In cases where I’m not able to provide a download—for example, my two full-length poetry collections were only published in print, and are both now out of print—I guess I’ll need to come up with some other solution.

Eventually the Portfolio page will also feature other non-poetry projects and more recent books. More on that in due course!

New site theme: Editor

No-one can read this post, or indeed the rest of this website, at the moment, but that’s because I’ve done some rearranging of the site and its contents.

First off, I’ve disabled WordPress Multisite (which had allowed me to host three blogs on the current domain) and merged and reposted most of the content which was replicated across the main, DDN Books and DNRC Records sites.

I’ve also, therefore, republished virtually everything that was previously in draft form. There’s obviously much more work to be done cleaning up old posts (as ever) but posting everything makes it much easier to spot the posts that still contain old shortcodes or HTML formatting.

Second, I’ve installed MediaWiki and have managed to get the [d/dn] wiki up and running. Much more on this exciting development shortly.

Third, to celebrate, I’ve switched over to the wonderful Editor WordPress theme … now, to write a new post or two.

Tabula rasa

Hello, world—it’s Davey here.

It’s been a while. In fact, it’s been a very long time, indeed. But, you know how it goes: things got boring; I changed; you changed; we moved apart. Maybe we were missing that frisson that made this whole caper so untold to start with. Well, it’s time to end all that.

A screenshot of the DDN website as it looked on 14 August 2014.

Time for a fresh start. After 12 years, 1200 blog posts, countless bios and ‘about’ pages, hundreds of thousands of words, scores of categories, 850 real comments and billions of spam comments, and hundreds of images, links and in-jokes, this site has become not so much a yoke around my neck as a huge albatross dragging me further and further into the realms of dark space.

So that’s why I’ve decided to unpublish all of my posts, and start again. This doesn’t mean that the posts have actually been ‘disappeared’ but that, for the moment, they’ve been carted off to another dimension, awaiting further instructions. I’ve got big plans for these posts—more on that soon, hopefully. For now, it’s time to revel in the mystical ‘hello, world!’ moment that comes with one’s (new) first post.

Tabula rasa.

Update (31 August 2014): Yeah, well … that seemed like a good idea at the time. All systems back to normal.

davey tried to log in to davey dreamnation

Password tried Passw0rd1
Password tried nautica
Password tried genie
Password tried julia123
Password tried junior
Password tried football
Password tried master12345
Password tried sophie123
Password tried monkey
Password tried 0p9o8i7u6y
Password tried zaq12wsxcde3
Password tried 4rfv5tgb
Password tried max123
Password tried changeme123
Password tried xxxxxx
Password tried c0nn3ct
Password tried iloveu
Password tried changeme1
Password tried barbara
Password tried jeffrey
Password tried liverpool1
Password tried changeme12345
Password tried qweqweqwe
Password tried 111
Password tried newroot
Password tried california
Password tried freedom
Password tried master123
Password tried P@55word
Password tried adrian
Password tried alexandra
Password tried music
Password tried P4ssw0rd
Password tried bingo
Password tried pass1234
Password tried johann
Password tried qweasd
Password tried aaa
Password tried tobias
Password tried newyork
Password tried pizza
Password tried !@#$1234
Password tried manchester
Password tried super123
Password tried 2008
Password tried fishtank
Password tried !Q@W#E$R
Password tried digital
Password tried toyota
Password tried paulpaul
Password tried eric
Password tried mickey
Password tried goldengate
Password tried 12345679
Password tried jordan23
Password tried fire123
Password tried newsroom
Password tried qwerasdfzxcv
Password tried darthvader
Password tried admin12
Password tried Admin12
Password tried Password

Clear the user’s activity list completely.

Thank you for creating with WordPress.

Version 3.8.3