Welcome to [d/dn v.10] – finally!

I’m currently trying to migrate all of my Blogger posts to this blog, with some difficulty. Seems I’m losing a lot of formatting, the server’s timing out and sundry other jitches are cursing my desire to upgrade and move on out. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel: I’ve managed to move my Marzipan posts without drama, plus about three quarters of my old home page blog posts.

In addition, I’m deleting a couple of blogs I first created a year or two ago. The first, “various journals”, was going to be a journal called various journals, to be composed of the names and publishing details of people whose biography included the words “… and has been published in various journals”. Kind of a rollcall of shame, with phase two consisting of the creation of a real journal, also called various journals, publication in which would entitle a writer to then state in future biographies that their work had indeed been published in various journals. I might still get around to doing it one day but for now, it’s been deleted from Blogger.

The second, “The Festival of Melbourne Festivals”, was a kind of piss-take tribute to Melbourne, perhaps the ultimate the city of festivals. The aim was to feature a different festival each week (hell, why not day) and to make money by seeking sponsorships from said festivals. More elaborate plans involved a weekly (or daily) “launch” of the Festival of Melbourne Festivals, given that it’s just a 365 day a year party in this town. If I had a shred of business nous I might actually be able to make something of it but, as with “various journals”, “TFOMF” has been consigned to the dustbin marked “deleted”.

Now let’s just hope the same thing doesn’t happen to my [dnrc] posts. Seething!