Author: Davey Dreamnation (page 3 of 240)

Davey Dreamnation (1972–?) is an Australalian musician, vocalist, pirate and record-label owner who now lives 'in the third person'.

View his full biography.

I remember Australian music in the 1980s

Do you remember Australian music in the 1980s? Is your worldview permanently coloured by the music videos from that profoundly day-glo era?

How, then, to sum up that era in just seven songs? Well, listen and learn fashionistas.

The 7-day 1980s Music Challenge began, for me, as it always does: with a sultry smash hit from my final year of school, 1989.

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Sitting at home with the windows closed on the one and only summer day we will get in Sverige this year, bawling my eyes out watching an imaginary movie on the backs of my eyelids called Björkpollen II: Det kliande ögat av Sauron.

Netflix series request: ‘You’re Killing Me’

In 1989 a Stockton, CA, band known as Pavement self-releases its first E.P., the angular Slay Tracks: 1933-1969. Opening cut ‘You’re Killing Me’ sets the tone for the band’s entire recorded output. Lead singer Stephen Malkmus (played here by Kyle MachLachlan of Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet fame) cheerfully screams lyrics about killing, murder, mayhem and death.

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