Author: Davey Dreamnation (page 2 of 240)

Davey Dreamnation (1972–?) is an Australalian musician, vocalist, pirate and record-label owner who now lives 'in the third person'.

View his full biography.


Even at the very end, when it seemed almost hopeless to everyone else, I still believed there was a small chance they’d make it. I fact I’d held onto that belief — stubbornly, I admit, and without logic — since the beginning of their journey.

Of course, I’d had no way of knowing who they actually were when I accepted the gig. All I knew then was that there were five of them: two adults and three small children, ages undefined. But there was something about one of the adults that caught my attention — a kind of glitch in the statistics cascading down my device’s screen — that caused me to ignore our otherwise strict and unmoving protocols, for the duration of the mission at least.

It started out bleak and cold, as expected. Early-morning traces in midwinter are rarely bright. Each of the five subjects’ vitals indicated sleepiness and lethargy. Only the youngest had slept for anything like the number of hours recommended for an ordinary day — let alone a long journey.

They emerged from the house before dawn, their blurs of dark clothing highlighted momentarily beneath each working streetlight, each snapshot shape crowned with drizzling rain. The taller of the adults dragged a suitcase in one hand, a child with backpack in the other. The second adult — the one whose vitals had piqued my curiosity the night before — pushed the pram containing the youngest child, while herding the third child down the slippery path.

They arrived at the first of the day’s destinations, a bus stop, ahead of schedule. The adults sat the two backpacked children on the bench, somewhat out of the rain, and angled the pram into the corner of the shelter. I traced them from the dry warmth of my vehicle, noting that the brief pause in their onward journey had no discernible effect on either of the adults’ body battery levels. In fact, they were already decreasing.

Presently, a red bus arrived and I handed over tracing to whoever was already onboard. I watched as the adults entered the bus by the back door, wrangling suitcase, pram and children into the zone reserved for parties such as theirs. The doors of the bus folded inwards with a wet squelch and they were gone.

I thought they’d make it easily but as it turned out I was wrong. Still, in that instant before their vitals disappeared from my console, I couldn’t help wishing it had turned out differently. That they’d managed to catch the connecting bus, then the train, the second train and the ferry.

But my reverie was interrupted by a fresh notification from my device, and my vehicle’s ignition engaging automatically. For a time, we followed the bus’s red cat-eye lights, but then the vehicle peeled off at a t-junction of its own accord, and I lost sight of them for good.

Schiermonnikoog (Skiermûntseach), Fryslân

I arrived on the Waddenzee island of Schiermonnikoog (or Skiermûntseach in Frisian) today after a roundabout journey via Groningen, Leeuwarden and Lauwersoog.

I’d spent a long weekend just outside Groningen, in a cute cottage in the forest. I then took a train to Leeuwarden, but only had time for a 20-minute walk through the city centre. I’d like to return to this part of Fryslân again some time.

What followed was a long bus ride to Lauwersoog, and then two beers at a bar near the sluizen. Followed by one 10% alcoholic-volume brown beer on das boot to Schiermonnikoog (SMO).

Essentially, I was drunk on the Waddenzee, heading for Biermonnikoog.

Living. The. Dream.

What a bizarre little place Schiermonnikoog is. No cars, just electric buses and masses of bicyclists heading back and forth from the dunes to the town.

Schiermonnikoog dunes.
Schiermonnikoog is basically an island made out of sand.

The dunes themselves, as expected, were windswept. To put it mildly, the sand blasted my face right off the entire time. The water was ice-cold, too. But boy, did that walk clear out the cobwebs.

I had expected the strandpaviljoen to be open but was proven wrong. It has an abandoned feel in this photograph.

Schiermonnikoog strandpaviljoen.
Schiermonnikoog strandpaviljoen (closed).

I am presently lodging at the Hotel van der Werff, which has a very old-world vibe, as if it could be a set for a Paul Thomas Anderson film.

Tonight I sat at an outside table facing the street and ordered a beer and an oude jenever. It’s a thing I do whenever I’m in the Netherlands and feeling the need to take the edge off my mood.

Hotel van der Werff, Schiermonnikoog.
Hotel van der Werff, Schiermonnikoog.

In case you don’t know, jenever is Dutch gin, which is more like aquavit or mild vodka. To combine a jenever and a beer (either in the same glass or side by side) is to order a kopstootje (trans: ‘small head butt’).

I had only got halfway through the jenever when some old codger wandered by and remarked, Dat is en kopstootje.

His wife looked at the jenever and the beer on my table and replied, Nou, dat is echt en ouwemanse drankje, hoor.

Feeling deep in Fryslân now.

Eelderwolde: somewhere in Drenthe

I’m sitting in a cabin in the woods near Eelderwolde, just outside the northern Dutch city of Groningen. It’s 7pm, a pleasant 20 degrees Celsius, and the sky is impossibly blue.

I had an early start to my journey, at 5.30am this morning in Gustavsberg.

Off we go! I whispered, as I crept out of the house and walked the 1.4km to the bus stop.

I caught the 474 to Slussen. Then I took the T-Bana to T-Centralen, from where I jumped on the Arlanda Express.

For reasons I dont want to go into here, I was catching a flight from Stockholm to Hamburg. The flight was slightly delayed but that was no big deal.

What was a big deal was that the passenger sitting next to me got out of his seat about halfway through the flight. He then apparently collapsed at the back of the plane.

Then came the loudspeaker announcement everyone dreads. A flight attendant, failing to disguise the panic in her voice, asking if there’s a doctor on board.

Long story short: the guy made it.

I faced another long delay at the airport in the queue for subway tickets. But I still had an hour to two in Hamburg before my bus to Groningen. So I went and had a beer or three in the sun.

The three-hour bus trip to Groningen was a little boring, and stiflingly hot. But we made it there on schedule.

The weather was sunny and the old town was bustling with holiday visitors. I grabbed some supplies and hit the bus station, which is right next to the train station.

From there, it was a 20-minute ride south to Eelderwolde, which is actually not in Groningen province but in Drenthe.

So that’s how I got to my final destination for the next three days. My very own private cabin in the woods.

It’s time to get back to basics.

Preoccupations: ‘Disarray’ (Toronto, 2018)

The story of how I recently missed seeing Preoccupations playing live in Toronto, Canada, began in Amsterdam in 2009.

On 27 May 2009, to be exact, I watched a Calgary band called Women (actually four young guys) wipe the floor with an Atlanta band called Deerhunter (same) at legendary Amsterdam venue Paradiso.

At the time, I was particularly struck by the energy with which Women’s drummer, Mike Wallace, attacked his task. The band were clearly having a good night.

Women broke up in October 2010, reportedly after an onstage fight between brothers Matt (vocals, bass) and Patrick (vocals, guitar) Flegel.

On 21 February 2012, Women’s guitarist, Chris Riemer, passed away in his sleep. Matt Flegel and Mike Wallace then formed the nucleus of a new band.

Perhaps unfortunately, they named their new band Viet Cong (also four guys, none of them Vietnamese). The band sounded pretty similar to Women, although with maybe a little extra edge.

Then Viet Cong rebranded themselves as Preoccupations. They began pursuing a musical trajectory that I was slowly beginning to appreciate. They released a self-titled album in 2016 and a second album, New Material, two years later.

In early 2018, to prove that I still had that indie ‘edge’, I booked a ticket to see the band. They would be appearing at the legendary Horseshoe Tavern on Queen Street, Toronto, in April 2018. Coincidentally, I would be in town for a conference. Our two worlds were destined to collide.

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Toxic Gulf

years since the gap first appeared between 
the teeth of a little girl picking raspberries 
from her mother's hand by the poisoned stream 

a toxic tale of porcelain has traced its tiny 
fingers round the lines on contour maps (& their 
bedroom walls they stick our portraits & sit up 

for haircuts while you look for lice (quivering 
blue & the stream's ghastly handwriting etching
metallic notes each time it rains the flow oh-so 

milky-white like a daughter's teeth it's nothing 
or a politician's grin there's nothing to be done 
we can't vote (can't even see the lead lies prone

at the bottom of the gulf between where we end 
& everybody else's first-world problems begin