Category: Blogging

Day-to-day minutiae.

  • If it seems like an age ago that I posted the first installment of my poem-of-the-week odyssey, that’s because it was.

  • After a while she realized she’d made a mistake: the sort of mistake that would never have occurred if she hadn’t been so tired. She tossed the calculations aside. She lit a cigarette, and noticed her hands were trembling. Christabel Barlow, she told herself, you’re damn-all use to anyone in your present state; you need…

  • In this post, I look back on my years as Managing Editor of Cordite Poetry Review, and pick my top eleven choicest moments from what has been a thrilling, exhausting and ultimately life-affirming rollercoaster ride of love and passion.

  • I’m very pleased to say that Work: A Cordite–Prairie Schooner Fusion is now online, and available for your cerebral delectation. But what is Prairie Schooner? And what do I mean by ‘co-feature’? And what the heck is ‘cerebral delectation’ anyway? Prairie Schooner is a Nebraska-based literary journal currently edited by Kwame Dawes. The Cordite-Prairie Schooner…

  • Back in 2004 – God, how old does that make me! – I participated in a slam as part of the Melbourne Writers Festival that involved teams of four doing group pieces and random solo poems as well.

  • I got my first paid job while I was still at school, working as a milk delivery boy in Wollongong, an industrial city in Australia where I lived with my family in the 1980s. I’d work three to four hours per night, three or four days per week, and received AUD3 per hour, plus benefits.…

  • Apart from one or two forthcoming poems, these are the last to have been published first on this site. In the future, I’m hoping to be a little more generous when it comes to journals, and will be sending them only fresh poems that have not previously been ‘read’ by either human eyes or crawling…

  • Just a little Youtube number in honour of Invasion Day (previously known as Australia Day).

  • Just like a Californian burrito maker, I’ve been preventing myself from spilling the beans by keeping them strictly under wraps (rim-shot!) but now seems as good a moment as any to announce that I will be moving to Stockholm. In ten days.

  • The ITF needs to do something to help the volley because, at the moment, it has died. The attacker has no chance. Pat Rafter or me, at our best, would get smashed out there. The balls they use here are soft and they fluff up after three games. After a few games it’s almost impossible…

  • Back in October 2011, I made the not-necessarily-epic decision to stop posting poems on this site, and to start up a poem of the week newsletter instead. So far it’s been a wild ride.

  • While most of my Australian friends sweat it out in typical summer fashion, here’s what we’ve got to look forward to over the next two days:

  • Today is St Lucy’s Day or, in Swedish, ‘Luciadagen’.

  • Last week I got an untold message from Pascalle Burton: “I am delighted to announce that the Bumper Poetry Issue of The Lavender Room Zine-in-a-Matchbox is here!”

  • Image: Happy Pepero Day: 11-11-2011!