Category: Fem Kronor (page 1 of 2)

In 2013, two years after leaving Karlskrona (where I undertook postdoctoral research on electronic literature), I compiled a chapbook, Fem Kronor, featuring 10 poems written in (or about) the town. Here they are.

Fem kronor

Har du fem kronor?
Nej, Karlskrona.
Oj! Ser jag.

Vill du ha ett kvitto?
Nej, vill jag fem kronor.
Ehm, vad?
Bara ge mig fem kronor.
Fem kronor?
Ja, precis.
Så, vårsagod.

Fem kronor.
Okej … vad sa du?
Fem kronor.
Nej. Fem kronor.
Ah, precis. Fem kronor.

Tio kronor?
Nej, fem kronor.
Varför vad?
Fem kronor?
Ja, precis.
Nej, varför fem kronor?
Fem kronor, ja.

Hej då.

That’s relaly shrewd!

Good point. I hadn’t thugoht about it quite that way. :)
I am for­ever indebted to you for this infomrtaoin.
I’m out of league here. Too much brain power on dipslay!
Clear, ifnor­ma­tive, sim­ple. Could I send you some e-hugs?
I’m scheokd that I found this info so easily.
Yeah, that’s the tikect, sir or ma’am
Heck­uva good job. I sure appreiacte it.
Great stuff, you hep­led me out so much!
Holy sihzint, this is so cool thank you.
You know what, I’m very much icnin­led to agree.
What I find so inter­est­ing is you could never find this anhwyere else.
No qusteion this is the place to get this info, thanks y’all.
Yup, that’ll do it. You have my apperciation.
That’s relaly shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.
Super infor­ma­tive wirintg; keep it up.
Not bad at all fleals and gal­las. Thanks.
Very clear good lcuk
I lit­er­ally jumped out of my chair and dncaed after read­ing this!
That’s way the btes­set answer so far!


This sound, that stinks of dirty sneakers 
     (never boots, they’re meant for da smeris 
speaks of djungel, uprooted flowerpots 
     (never flares, maybe strobelight analysis

strewn across the asfalt like the remains 
     (not the actual remains, mind, but echoes 
of tribal war, racial war – bloooood! Yeah,
     (not just like Junior Reid, more an actual 

song of the thrice-dispossessed, sampled 
     (never played, not spat by some kannibal 
to oblivion! AKA K-Town, Babylon. Chant
     (but do not actually sing, try screaming -- 
until I find myself somewhere in Somalia,
     buying Camels for the old man. Slutspurt.


if i may so bold as to ask what it is, oh professor ...
      indeed you may (listen and learn young padawan
here's a formula to make a mentasm from scratch
     1st, take a sawtooth, or even better: a lot of them
yes professor, any help is appreciated, continue pls.
     k. I suggest you take the superwave pulse machine
now head for the sawtooth & use a lot of detuning
     here? no, here: max, sub 1: 120, sub 2: max, etc. k.
what are you using when describing this technique?
     people have been trying to crack my sound for years
k. any examples knockin about to educate me with?
     well, we wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for kevin
agreed (managed to catch a copy on discogs last yr.
     "what the?" was the preset. youtube here I come - 



pls re-tweet & follow this if you can: CSI Fallujah trending,
mission accomplished & war on terror continues unabated

on the day obama died i was buying candles in abbottabad
inadvertantly i liveblogged the whole damn cash transaction

check your receipts, people - the asteroids have not landed 
she was a real mars crosser - & a sub-orbital patriot gamer

did you see how QILF was trending? copy that & re-tweet if 
you agree, let's make it happen people, dance in the streets

i count eight lines down already, six more & it's a sonnet - 
copy that if you agree, re-tweet &/or watch it start trending

oh i see jack bauer is trending, funny that - follow me if you 
agree with what i'm saying, or don't. smokin' hashtags here,

pplz, plz agree. did we mention instant fucking deathcamps? 
did i mention one million dead people trending? #justsayin'