Category: Poems

As of October 2011, I’d posted over three hundred poems on this site, including many sonnets and search poems, as well as numerous poems that didn’t make it into chapbooks such as Abendland and Morgenland. I then ceased posting poems here, choosing instead to distribute them via my poem of the week newsletter. Then I stopped doing that too. Every now and then I post a poem here … but not as often as I’d like.


do monkeys eat bananas with their tails or is that just another urban myth? & if they had computer access don’t you think they’d use that tail to move the mouse -† or is that just another red bandanna gag? & if they could send us emails (what do you think they’d tell? writing from…

Anonymous (Fake

there is something very pseudo about all this – there is something very pseudo about you – every thing you do is fake (you are a fake – is nothing real to you? your ‘art’ (if you can call it that) is mediocre) it’s all so juvenile and all so – ‘middlebrow’ … king of…

Imaginary Mao II

our first date – what a write-off! i even bought you flowers – you selfish man! you could have told me you’d double-booked – hell! million-booked more like it boy you had a nerve making all of us line up like school-kids in our uniforms hand in hand boys & girls two by two round…

Yesterday’s Armies

even yesterday there was a tomorrow but that’s today and now yesterday has no tomorrow only something like the days before when armies were just as foreign as something in a foreign newspaper that (torn down† contained news from our foreign wars that happened days before or even some time in that crystal future’s past…

When You Go Away

i will be playing enya in my head i’m sorry i know it sounds corny but she’s there as well as you mo radh there’s no point denying it i love clannad can’t put a finger on it wreathed in shadows fogs bats & crooked crosses stranger mists than these in fact sinead’s there too…


you say millions now living will never die can one of you please explain how come the rest of us are going to disappear from the face of this earth because we will you know disappear that is don’t think i’ll ever get a reply still it’s worth asking the tough questions every once in…