Category: Poems

As of October 2011, I’d posted over three hundred poems on this site, including many sonnets and search poems, as well as numerous poems that didn’t make it into chapbooks such as Abendland and Morgenland. I then ceased posting poems here, choosing instead to distribute them via my poem of the week newsletter. Then I stopped doing that too. Every now and then I post a poem here … but not as often as I’d like.


like a murder suicide yesterday’s tiffs became today’s shower of glacial regret hit on the head by super large moriapo*† left winded bruised & read-dead on our set-list stories of lost orders events tragedies that come in threes like the drinks the straws (deadly for dolphins the lipstick trace a circular argument nobody heard a…

Emotional Detox

just where the instrumental kicks in i’m down at reception signing names now she’s back from hell’s other wing stirring up trouble beneath our skins clouds sown with rain seeds as down systems beyond the understanding of space entrepreneurs see their boring powers & if they want to photograph me from space they’re welcome to…

And we attacked the world and it worked

two hearts rushing into the freaky world busted compromised lonely to be pitied – smashed our glasses & instead went blind no way back thrashed beaten or overcome† & so we attacked the world & it worked – put our divisions into place & attacked attacked their betrayals & coded silence coded our response to…

Space Kus

This poem was the winner of the 2006 June Shenfield Poetry Award, open to all higher education students at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, and set up in memory of former Swinburne student June Shenfield.


well in our short life we get into fistfights on message boards dust off the pistols why is everyone else so down on i today i being the sons of some moderate guff from my laboratory don’t patronise kids mean baby jack since pilot land strikes! reach a consensus as anyone could come up with…

She’s An Autarky

she’s a why —————– in time soundtracks erase the shutter ———————— myths & breakage —- gossip —- far-fetched ‘n charming ————— ‘n speeding ———– on cooler breathless —————– ‘n devoid of specialist moments waiting —– for sunset in a dusted carpark rustle the mongoose ———————– dinner & show ——————————– autarky —————— shadowland —————– flushes -…

Abstract moon

This poem was written as part of a dialogue series with Japanese poet Hiroshi Sasaki (Keiji Minato, translator). It appeared for the first time in print in Mirage #4/Period[ical] (USA, 2006). It was later published in my collection We Will Disappear (2007), and anthologised in Contemporary Australian Poetry (Puncher and Wattmann: Sydney, 2016). 'Abstract Moon' has also been translated into Macedonian and published in Struga Poetry Evenings: Poetry from Five Continents (Struga: Macedonia, 2011). Läs på svenska.