Dreamnation website named “blog of the day” – Davey updates grim popularity forecasts accordingly

Davey Dreamnation has drastically revised his popularity around the world after his international web site was named “blog of the day” today, Majorca time.

“Davey Dreamnation is speechless,” confirmed Davey’s spokes-llama Scaramouche in an off-the-record conversation with two journalists yesterday.

“Not since the andy warhol portrait scandal has Davey’s web site pulled such an astonishing amount of traffic. He’s quite overwhelmed by the whole thing. So am I. Would any of you happen to have a spare biscuit, or some ham? I’m famishing.”

In other news, Dreamnation was spotted clubbing in Sydney, Australia last week by an unidentified fan, who raised the general alarm only to discover that the beleagured song-writer and interpretative dancer had already left for Majorca, where he is currently awaiting trial on charges relating to the immolation of the llama enclosure at the historic Majorca zoo.

Dreamnation’s close friend and confidante Quito, who has only days to live, confirmed from his sick-bed at Camp Davey that Dreamnation was present at the Sly Fox Hotel in Enmore last Thursday night, though he was not clubbing. Rather, Dreamnation was attending a traditional karaoke ceremony.

Rumours that Davey performed an incendiary version of Born in the U.S.A. (while unconfirmed) were “to be expected,” Quito gasped.

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