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  • Still, as far as screenshot montages go, it’s not so bad. Read my post over on Cordite celebrating ten years and 2,000 posts [Wayback archive]. Or, if you’re feeling like taking a deep dive, check out A History of Cordite Poetry Review in Screenshots over on Flickr.

  • Övergången

    First published in my chapbook Övergången in 2011 and republished online in Jacket2 in 2012. Read in Swedish.

  • Djungel

    This sound, that stinks of dirty sneakers (never boots, they’re meant for da smeris speaks of djungel, uprooted flowerpots (never flares, maybe strobelight analysis strewn across the asfalt like the remains (not the actual remains, mind, but echoes of tribal war, racial war – bloooood! Yeah, (not just like Junior Reid, more an actual song…

  • Mentasm

    if i may so bold as to ask what it is, oh professor … indeed you may (listen and learn young padawan here’s a formula to make a mentasm from scratch 1st, take a sawtooth, or even better: a lot of them yes professor, any help is appreciated, continue pls. k. I suggest you take…

  • TL;DR

    TL;DR = too long; didn’t read. Läs på svenska.

  • Things have taken a turn for the untold here in Karlskrona, with today’s unveiling by Talan ‘Mad Skillz’ Memmott of a poster advertising the upcoming Cabaret Voltage event. Scheduled to rock the Scandinavian e-lit scene in a manner not witnessed since the last Icelandic ash cloud, Cabaret Voltage will be the final event in a…

  • Tang

    Hangul on the wall of Yi Sang House, Seoul. Tang can mean ‘bang’ (as in the sound a gun makes; bang, of course, means ‘room’), or ‘bath’, or ‘soup’.

  • Yi Sang (1910–37) was an avant-garde Korean poet. I wrote this poem after visiting Yi Sang House in Seoul as part of the Cordite poets’ tour in 2011. Read the Hangul version, ‘참새 다방’.

  • “Riverina”

    hills without trees and dried-up rivers intravenously wind their way through towns verging on sleepytime status as down in a park people light barbecues or play football ruckmen and rovers all blend into one in the twilight as seeing the ball gets harder noses get bruised laughter echoes down concrete canals from under leaves and…

  • Brace-face

    The day I got the braces put on my face was not the happiest day of my life, to be perfectly honest. In fact, it was horrible. The weather was wild and windy, and the procedure took about four hours. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. It hurt like hell. Once they…

  • Cordite Poetry Review No. 35.1: Oz-Ko (Hoju-Hanguk) Poetry editor: David Prater Hangul translations: 김재현 (Kim Gaihyun) and 김성현 (Kim Sunghyun) Released: 1 May 2011 Cover image: Ivy Alvarez Pandora archive (NLA)

  • I took these photos during the Cordite poets’ tour of Korea in 2011.

  • Inhale this exclusive and sentimental bare-all catalogue, complete with links to further evidence of Shuiling.

  • DNRC102 | 7″ single | 2011