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Chris de Burgh: An Appreciation
1 min read
Once again, I’m speechless. Thanks to Sean M. Whelan for the original ‘artwork’.
Weather Report Two
1 min read
Outlook Sunny Sunny Sunny Afternoon Clouds Showers Late Morning Clouds More Sun Than Clouds High Level Clouds Temp. (?C) 13? | 24? 11? | 25? 12? | 26? 13? | 17? 13? | 25? 14? | 24? 14? | 21? Wind Speed 14 kph 6 kph 5 kph 3 kph 6 kph 6 kph 11…
Weather Report One
1 min read
Outlook High Level Clouds Sunny Sunny Mostly Sunny Morning Clouds Sunny Decreasing Cloudiness Temp. (?C) 12? | 27? 13? | 25? 11? | 26? 13? | 27? 15? | 26? 13? | 24? 13? | 27? Wind Speed 5 kph 14 kph 3 kph 6 kph 8 kph 10 kph 11 kph
We Will Disappear: Full Track Listing
2 min read
While you may rest assured that I won’t be producing an intricate online annotated version of the contents of We Will Disappear (OR AT LEAST, NOT YET!), I can at last reveal the track listing or, as we say in the industry ‘table of contents’. The final order the poems was arrived at after some…
1 min read
in my dreams do dogs attack! us in jumpsuits & next to me does belle epoch whistle murder while the big st. bernard’s letter to the string epistles brings on a sigh like hey babe take it no one’s here & the chorus will envelop us our dovetail’s merely flicker’d like an ark autopsy we…
101 Friends
3 min read
Today Davey Dreamnation celebrated an important milestone – the signing up of his one hundred and first Myspace friend. Cynics will, predictably, moan that most of these so-called friends are just placeholder pages for bands both currently active (hello Bloc Party, Love of Diagrams, Sonic Youth, The Fauves, Boards of Canada, The Early Years, Silver…
Ninety Nine Rabbits
1 min read
This is getting serious. I’ve just got to see you live. Ninety nine rabbits with big fangs can’t be wrong. I’m stuck in a lower east side case machine looking cool, if not cold. Let’s not get old, forever moulded. I like John Ashbery’s fingernails. He did look good in that lecture theatre, as…
Audio from the deep vaults
3 min read
Let’s take a trip down Amnesia Lane, shall we?
When The Change Comes
1 min read
i’m not sure why your windows are all shut said a man with a beer gut & tan don’t you know that the change’s coming sooner than you think (but we all shook our heads had some more to drink (it dulled that impulse to get political (switch off the interpol man! when the change…
1 min read
the sky’s gone orange mining & we’re left to wander (i’m waiting for a change in a tunnel filled with gas panic someone flipped me the bird it was a canary (shortly dead & the day remained sunny (zero chance of rain gauged delays were spattered with faux frustration & pule & it continued to…
Heavy Rain Late
1 min read
she rains heavy & she rains late i syndicate the weather & report with coffee like a tiny brown moon circling in the white cup made with two hands holding clouds up at sunset her eyes are red the rain falls heavy on the bedroom floor puddles of rain to hold down the fumes we…
Harbour You
1 min read
who will harbour you when the seas erupt harbour when the grave is shallow & leaks who willed this place of calm into being it’s a small harbour when the shots ping & hit i will harbour you when the minister won’t harbour you when all protest fails & build you an asylum if it…
1 min read
that place where we all someday hope to die or rot at least (our skins like autumn leaves a shelf or two devoted to each mind aloof or in solidarity with those whose fame exceeds our own (no matter now this system lets us alphabetise our names as privilege leans on the obscure & the…
Some Alternative Davey Dreamnation Promotional Shots
2 min read
While I’ve been sweating over the choice of promotional photo for my upcoming debut book of poetry, I’ve also been grappling with issues of artistic integrity and interrogating my own self-image, with alarming results. How do I want the world to view me? Is it possible for me to control the image I present to…
We Will Disappear and the evil demon of images
5 min read
In the spirit of all things pertaining to rolling thunder, increasing expectations and maximising tension, I’m happy to report that my debut poetry collection We Will Disappear, to be published by soi 3, an imprint of papertiger media, is edging closer to reality. The text is currently with a proofreader and the cover artwork is…