Heavy Rain Late

she rains heavy & she rains late i syndicate
the weather & report with coffee like a tiny
brown moon circling in the white cup made
with two hands holding clouds up at sunset
her eyes are red the rain falls heavy on the
bedroom floor puddles of rain to hold down
the fumes we ride through shiny streets &
eradicate base as cover bands play original
tunes rivers of beer run back towards their
kegs the kurds all speak with irish accents
here the skies are crowded & something is
about to happen though who knows in this
vacuum we call fate floats a gigantic flower
speckled with the drops of pure sea power
Davey Dreamnation
Davey Dreamnation

Davey Dreamnation (1972–?) is an Australalian musician, vocalist, pirate and record-label owner who now lives 'in the third person'.

View his full biography.

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