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  • Three of my poems have been published in Otoliths: a magazine of many e-things! The poems, “small town fsu”, “exhale on main street” and “alles klaar?” were written while travelling in the USA and Germany in 2002, and are part of a collection called Between Empires that might, eventually, see the light of day. Otoliths…

  • This ground-breaking collection of poems represents the beginning of what has turned out to be an astounding career.

  • When I’m not wasting time writing record reviews about non-existent bands, poems about dysfunctional families, prose poems about imaginary cities, new definitions for strange Dutch words, the odd (yes, odd) sonnet, an occasional ode to the Buddha Machine, away on explorations in Abendland or Morgenland, posting as Clint Bo Dean in disguise and so on,…

  • Having spent the best part of two weeks figuring out how to transfer content from six blogger pages to this, the new international webportal and virtual headquarters of Davey Dreamnation Enterprises, it came as no surprise today when an unnamed junior technician, midway through eating a bar of turkish delight, inadvertantly hit delete while navigating…

  • My poem Walt Whitman Service Area appeared in The Age today, although you might be forgiven for missing it, even if you are an avid reader of the A2 section – the poem seems to have been shrunk to a smaller font – possibly to make room for everything else on the page:

  • Well it’s been over ten years in the making so I’m overjoyed and relieved to inform you that my debut poetry collection We Will Disappear will be released this year through soi3, an imprint of papertiger media. The book will feature between fifty and one hundred poems, including some that have already been published, both…

  • DNRC074 | LP | 2010

  • She woke up the next morning to find him crying in the kitchen because he said he had the anniversary blues. So she got into her car and turned on the radio in the hope of salvation but it was only looping bad rock. But still she ran down the street through the American rain…

  • Welcome to [d/dn v.10] – finally! I’m currently trying to migrate all of my Blogger posts to this blog, with some difficulty. Seems I’m losing a lot of formatting, the server’s timing out and sundry other jitches are cursing my desire to upgrade and move on out. However, there is light at the end of…

  • My chapbook Abendland has been reviewed by Philly poet Adam Fieled on his excellent blog. Check out the review here (Wayback) or read it below: David Prater is an Australian poet, editor of the excellent online journal Cordite. Recently he sent me one of his chapbooks, Abendland. It’s a fascinating read, on several levels. The most interesting dichotomy…

  • War Flowers

    comments require verification so pass the bandanna and cry a flower into it’s a war parents knew was coming & ever since then thoughts have been in turmoil as soon as argument was refuted he switched sides so hypocricy went unnoticed please go & fuck your self-righteous self sideways & stick business somewhere else maybe…

  • DNRC073 | EP | 2010

  • DNRC072 | LP | 2010