We Will Disappear: it’s real!

Well it’s been over ten years in the making so I’m overjoyed and relieved to inform you that my debut poetry collection We Will Disappear will be released this year through soi3, an imprint of papertiger media. The book will feature between fifty and one hundred poems, including some that have already been published, both online and in print, and others no one even knew existed. While a cover image for the book hasn’t been decided upon yet, I’m kind of partial to this one below, which was taken seven years ago in a carpark above a warehouse where, coincidentally (or not), I first came up with the character of Davey Dreamnation.

Here’s the low-down from papertiger’s latest “TIGERTALK” e-bulletin:

After the whopping great success of the first three soi 3 (pronounced soi sam, in Thai) modern poets titles – Luke Beesley’s Lemon Shark, B.R. Dionysius’ Universal Andalusia, and Billy Jones’ Wren Lines: Selected Poems and Drawings Volume 1 – Arts Queensland has come on board with significant Project Grants Program funding for our 2007 list.

This financial support from Arts Queensland will assist papertiger media to publish three new poetry collections under the soi 3 modern poets imprint.

These titles will include David Prater’s first poetry collection, We Will Disappear; Margie Cronin’s twin-volume, Our Life Is A Box / Prayers Without A God; and Barry Hill’s Necessity.

With this second wave of soi 3 titles due for release in April-May 2007, you can expect more details – including interviews with the authors, and opportunities to pre-order the books – over the next few months in TIGER TALK. Keep your eyes peeled.

I’m really pleased to have this opportunity to put my best poems together in one volume, and I’m also flattered that Paul Hardacre, managing editor of papertiger media, has faith in the collection. As mentioned above, the first three books from soi3 are absolutely beautiful in terms of production, appearance and content.

It’s also a great honour to be published alongside Margie and Barry, in whose company I’m sure I feel slightly dazed, if not confused. Look out for more details of the book, including launches, cover images and testimonials, in the near future.

3 responses

  1. Kat avatar

    This is SuperlekkerleukGEKjippiedepippieWOW – gefeliciteerd! We Will Disappear, kom snel!

  2. sean m whelan avatar
    sean m whelan

    This has to be the most exciting news in poetry since Jack Kerouac got his first typewriter and said ‘what does this button do?’. Can’t wait!

  3. prmitch avatar

    What a time to be alive – and to disappear….Well done davey dn