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  • you can see my moving parts by lifting aside this curtain here where flesh is fused with my mechanical arts & all is encased in polished enjambe- ment … tiny wheels enforce this rhythm trigger reaction maintain flow – while clock- works monitor internal pressure & signal the hours like early birds – i sing…

  • Dachau

    there was no need to be told of the jewish custom whereby rocks are placed near graves instead of flowers (eg lilies in the place of the barracks we found an ocean of stones – larger than a fist smaller than a child’s head just big enough to force one to walk more slowly than…

  • Do not throw anything yet, Albrecht; It is dangerous as well to lean out! Customs examination of luggage: Important notice. In winter, steam Macht (Thomas Mann) mobil. Also … Kinder unter 15 fahren gratis. You Have no claims on the blue-green River waters flowing backwards to Trento. This is our Tiepolo. See Gerhard Richter (19-3…

  • come one come all! to work in our factories! for in all of craptasticaô we do have millions! funnels & chimneys! plasticine assemblies! shift work! free health care! & twice yearly holidays! (see brochure!) we specialise in wares bound for two dollar shops or anywhere the crazy bargain prevails & you are an important cog…

  • we pigeons never need to travel after all we’ve got it made – an infinite pile of food to eat & tourists galore to feed it to us do not feed the tourists for our appetites depend on theirs – & once the feeding stops we know that that way leads to oblivion … or…

  • DNRC050 | 7″ | 2004

  • Route 666

    so this devil masks the smell of his portuguese hash with the mull of a gauloises cigarette while he walks along talking of cona (the slovenian word for zone which in his native tongue means cunt if you pronounce it right (& that i observe must be why they say it differently here at which…

  • DNRC049 | LP | 2004

  • 1. the boy reading on the road at the railway station & the boy sneering at him, having hidden his copy of the same book in his travelling bag (both of them heading home). 2. they have just met, this couple with their hands all over each other – they mistake freedom for the right…

  • kids wear raincoats & play in fountains in the ljubljana rain lovers don emergency ponchos in the ljubljana rain streets are slippery & cobblestones weary in the ljubljana rain maps turn soggy & poets wander in the ljubljana rain when the rain tumbles down in july … lake bled fills with stones & sparrows’ heads…

  • dad gives me the signal & so i walk slowly towards the table at the outdoor bar – my mum’s already there so we sit down & order drinks … it’s all normal but i don’t look coz dad said just act natural … out of the corner of my eye i can see him…

  • polish paper-cut art doesn’t move only intersects with light or beige backgrounds – in fact depends on them as accents require the noise of pub chatter … meaning only comes through reinterpretation invention or else all life is a museum a display … leather-bound irish boats on the other hand possess an abstract magic when…

  • a fine place for a village she turns the first clod let it be here & so it comes into being with the barest fore-planning to be truthful yet soon enough the characteristic boulevardes thoroughfares cross-town tunnels appear dictating future streets lanes & public spaces though who will build them isn’t quite clear so slowly…

  • the hands that made the hands then passed her to the second set the hands that plucked the human hairs & threaded them into a wig the hands she passed her to then sewing on the little yellow jacket passing then to unknown hands that gave her eyes to see herself mouth to breathe in…

  • DNRC048 | 2LP* | 2004