so this devil masks the smell of
his portuguese hash with the mull
of a gauloises cigarette while he
walks along talking of cona (the
slovenian word for zone which in
his native tongue means cunt if
you pronounce it right (& that i
observe must be why they say it
differently here at which he just
chuckles as he knows he must –
having already said the word pussy
in english & having thus exposed
himself to me in some way I can’t
really comprehend. What follows
is a frightening conversation r.e.
the sexual & racial preferences
of eastern european women (to
which even a bloke from cornwall
contributes admitting that these
slovenian women do me right over
& then the aussie girl chimes in
about how (well -) everyone from
denmark is just beautiful (before
the woman from the hostel tells
us all to shut the fuck up go back
inside & retire to our separate beds