We Were Really Here

dad gives me the signal & so
i walk slowly towards the table
at the outdoor bar – my mum’s
already there so we sit down
& order drinks … it’s all
normal but i don’t look coz dad
said just act natural … out
of the corner of my eye i can
see him focussing the handycam
on our table (a perfect family
scene) & then comes a long slow
pan across the other tables the
street the city – finally it’s
over & he comes to sit with us
obviously ‘a wrap’ … he smokes
cigarettes settles the bill & then
it’s time to move on – he goes
first leaving an unextinguished
butt in the ashtray – i stare at
it until mum leads me away …
little to i care but as we walk
back to our pansion i’m imagining
the smoke rising from the table
the ring of empty drink bottles
then finally the waiter coming to
clear it all away leaving not a
trace of our transaction & no
proof that we were really here

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