
in the new anti-kraak universe you play squatter
upside-down in your brain at parties you proffer

slim handshakes, some modest attempts at dutch
& a determination to stand there all day like a boer

in a landscape where he is indigenous - the white
light shining from his invisibly big head; yet you

fall under the dim star of sleep (where eerie canals
watch you breathe & you stagger from one station

to another - drugged by sundown, watching the big
orange heat ball swinging royally low over the meer

a cardboard world where settlers merrily invade each
other after dinner ... you lose a continent over coffee

or else blood-red wijn, a casualty of summer time
where the day & the air & the land are belong to us

4 responses

  1. patrick jones avatar

    a little ‘white’ whinge (‘wijn’):-

    hello mr p,

    i wonder how 2 of yr italicised ‘w’s have come to loose their left ear serifs. while reading the poem these words fell somewhat silent.

    love from thankfully wet daylesford,
    the garden

  2. patrick jones avatar

    i have a similar problem with subscript ‘g’s.

    nice poem.

    a squatter from Djadjawurrung

  3. davey avatar

    Thanks for that, Patrick. I will get onto the font people IMMEDIATELY.

  4. davey avatar

    Looks like it’s fixed now – the return of the winged serifs …

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