Yes, you are. It’s that simple. Ace.
Superlief and bulk ace. Truly ace.
Superlief and bulk ace. Truly ace.
I’m trying to wipe an untold smile
from my freelance face. That’s how
ace. This much ace. If that much
is untold, double it and multiply by
ace. Bulk ace. Infinitely ace, drop
a stitch & save in bulk. Surrender
to the aceness. Truly devastating,
acetold. Funtold. Plumtold. Hightail,
bright-eyed, faun-like. Wide awake
at night ace. Acelike. Astonishingly
acetold, bird-eyed bulkness. You’re
so bulk ace I can’t believe it’s untold.
Ace = Gaaf
Bulk Ace = Supergaaf
Truly Ace = Echt Gaaf
Infinitely Ace = Oneindig Gaaf
Duus, jij bent Oneindig Gaaf!