Tag: o’dowd

  • I’m really pleased to say that three works from my Leaves of Glass MS – namely, ‘Cute’, ‘Rivet’ and ‘Swagman Ted’ – have found an electronic home in UK-based online journal Blackbox Manifold. I’ve almost lost count of how many of these Whitman (left) vs O’Dowd poems have now been published, but I’m starting to…

  • Leaves of Glass finds a home, of sorts, in [a] Jacket.

  • Things have been pretty quiet

  • Team America

    Most of us make America mean the world, or sometimes we put ‘Australia’ in its place. B. O’D.

  • the drones of prole patrol the moon that satellite of filth – their lanterns mark the greasy poles its dark side pepper (salt with futile cries & lunar dews & sad stories drones will tell of extra-terrestrial rents & arbitrage by mammon’s earthly (hags o’er those captains of industry whose gold we gleefully polish in…

  • i am not fazed by spurious notions of what is good or what is bad i just flip open that temporal wallet & spend (it’s like getting laid or tying one on & imagining X could well be my imaginary friend or else i simply steal someone else’s idea (it’s true i have no shame…

  • Oz

    A rewriting of Bernard O’Dowd’s poem ‘Australia’ (published in The Bulletin in 1900). ‘Oz’ was first published online in Jacket (2010) and anthologised in Thirty Australian Poets (UQP 2011).

  • Red Dawn

    ‘Dawnward’ B. O’Dowd (1906)

  • We had an important event at our place on the 13th ult. -our first little one. We are going to call him Eric Whitman. —Bernard O’Dowd, writing to Walt Whitman (1890)

  • I am an enigma to myself. B. O’D. noble wings I grow when I take meh self out of meh self but I find that too hot to handle for too long so I take meh self into meh self again & find there caverns of cold eclipsed fears & in there too some romans…

  • Secret Lib

    re: the australeum (a secret society cf. ww leaves of grass a love supreme in the court of love a library book of love a doodle bug a statute of love like some secret (liberation love democracy man love & all aboard! the love ship demos under the sign of libra it weighs at anchor…

  • the sun that he does well to shine & shines well … the moon that she illuminates the lover’s skin the stars that they remind us of all things past the sky that it does well to rain on our heads the planets that they give birth to angry gods the earth that it spins…

  • ” … a cabinet was specially made. O’Dowd’s wife Evangeline had an uncle, Jethro Fryer, a carpenter who took on this task. SANDRA BURT i hammer nails & saw wood (to make his house of whitman his shadow cabinet not a coffin so much as a grave of words a grove within which they sit…

  • I believe Fame once intended to give birth to a child. Some accident happened and I was the abortion. B. O’D. I look at what i wrote & feel shame rising like the flood my knees are weak & the lamp light’s glow flatters my corny poetics they’re simplistic & i hate myself no that’s…

  • Cute

    “… the cute and loving appreciation of my book and me by them in Australia has gone right to my heart.” —Walt Whitman, writing to Bernard O’Dowd This poem was first published online in Blackbox Manifold (UK) and later in print in Best Australian Poems (Black Inc, 2011). Läs på svenska.