One of the most obvious differences between Karlskrona and Amsterdam is in the colours of their buildings. While de Baarsjes is, by and large, populated by brown and grey brick buildings, Björkholmen is an explosion of pastel colours painted on wooden walls. These photos don’t really do justice to them but hopefully they give a sense of their vibrancy. Me so happy.
Tag: Sweden (page 7 of 7)
Spotted this awesome sign in Ronneby last night:
Potential HQ for the ELMCIP project?
Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be some kind of existential crisis post (that one’s coming up next), rather a brief heads-up for readers (like the ever-vigilant GMT) who may be interested in what I’ll be doing here in Karlskrona, Sweden over the next twelve months.
As alluded to in my recap on 2010, I’ve moved to Karlskrona to take up a post-doctoral position at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH). Both Karlskrona and BTH are quite small – the former is home to roughly 60,000 people, while the latter probably has a couple of thousand students.
Kat’s first photo of Björkholmen, January 2011.