Hi GMT and thanks for visiting! I’ve now moved to Sweden for one year, will be doing a post-doc on electronic literature … which reminds me I need to do a blogpost on why I’m actually here. Not like me to be so obtuse! Hope all is well in your world?
going fairly well, thanks. Just rather a lot of it, is all.
Very good to hear you have some post-doc happening, will look forward to hearing more!
Hey Genevieve, yes I know that feeling! I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on e-lit from an informational science point of view. I just need to get my head around it first … feel like i’m whistling in the dark at the moment. but i guess all research is about the joys of (serendipitous) discoveries … take care!!
lovely! are you staying or just visiting, D?
Hi GMT and thanks for visiting! I’ve now moved to Sweden for one year, will be doing a post-doc on electronic literature … which reminds me I need to do a blogpost on why I’m actually here. Not like me to be so obtuse! Hope all is well in your world?
going fairly well, thanks. Just rather a lot of it, is all.
Very good to hear you have some post-doc happening, will look forward to hearing more!
Hey Genevieve, yes I know that feeling! I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on e-lit from an informational science point of view. I just need to get my head around it first … feel like i’m whistling in the dark at the moment. but i guess all research is about the joys of (serendipitous) discoveries … take care!!