November 2005


“One of the thirty six or seven greatest writers alive today aged between thirty three and thirty four.” “This book made me late for work again today.” “I have read this book.” “One of the six or seven must-reads that…

Masigo jookja!

You know you want to. Look at me: I want to. Look at everyone else: they want to. You want to. Stay. Masigo jookja! Do you know what happens to yesterdays? Do they turn into tomorrows? Who cares, your glass…


                                                  *across the breeze/ birds fly/ foam in their beaks/ silver wings/ radar traces/ trans/ lateral/…

Cordite #23

Ern Malley, the original dromedary of Australian poetry, has been anthologised, criticised and mythologised beyond belief. It’s perhaps sobering to reflect that while Ern Malley’s creators, his twin Gepettos James McAuley and Harold Stewart along with his original sponsor Max…

Hoju bihaeng-gi

eh! the plane! the plane! come to rescue a princess hoju bihaeng-gi like silver birds above our skylines over the wires a plane! a silver plane! coming to save their hoju princess to fly her to hawaii! her fur coat…

White Space

building a spaceship to take me to a moon made out of makkoli a dead sparrow falls through the window i left open overnight in case it snowed . . . the sparrow’s white beak & feathers are frozen (made…

imaginary cities: multi —

City that encloses many other cities, like a lunch pail filled with multiple containers, each of which holds a prescribed number of foodstuffs – nuts, sultanas, rice, meatstuffs, tapioca, croutons, larvae. An anticity formed from invisible matter, shifting its colours…