Following on from the tumultuous events of last week, Davey Dreamnation has hit the news stands again – this time in the critically acclaimed online journal The Scam.
Davey’s secret release of a 4-cd set live album, entitled “live at budokan” apparently did not escape the attention of the sharp-eyed (and eared) folks at the scam, who gave the anarchic and ground-breaking recording five (5) robots in a lengthy and detailed review:
Further complicating the choice of headline for major news outlets is the news that Dreamnation has also been immortalised in poetry by his real-time creator, David Prater.
Prater’s “davey dreamnation e.p.” – a collection of four poems from an as-yet unpublished manuscript – have been published in a New Zealand-based magazine, JAAM (Just Another Art Movement).
“I’m thrilled,” Prater said yesterday, after receiving the news. “In fact, I’m stunned. I didn’t think they’d buy the idea of an “e.p.” but they went for it, and more power to them. Who knows, maybe some day somebody will agree to publish a Davey Dreamnation L.P.! O-or a best of! The sky’s the limit really. Anyway, back to reality. Okay Stung, I’ll be down in a minute!”
Dreamnation’s continuing liaison with New Zealand’s answer to Sting has been a source of much speculation in the music community. The publication of poems about the diminutive pop icon in a Kiwi magazine have only added to the rumours and innuendo. Prater, however, brushes the gossip off.
“Well, it’s just idle chit-chat, isn’t it? All I can say is that Davey and Stung have patched up their relationship [regular readers may recall the cancellation of Stung’s Australasian tour led to a certain amount of acrimony between the two stable-mates] and have begun recording an album of duets. Of course, I won’t reveal here the track listing or anything like that. I mean, this is Davey’s gig, not mine. More power to him, and to Stung.”
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