Category: Definitions of Leukerd
Leukerd is a Dutch word that I don’t know the exact meaning of. One dictionary tells me it means “funny guy” but that won’t do. I’ve come up with a hundred alternate definitions and may well come up with some more soon.
Thus, Finally, Concludes the Definitions of Leukerd!
1 min read
91. To stare resolutely at one’s shoes while playing the guitar. 92. Hair that’s just long enough to tuck behind the ears. 93. A couple who share the same shoe and jean sizes. 94. An ex-smoker’s ex. 95. The official name of the 23-hour-day movement. 96. Local council community consultation addict. 97. Ten years of…
Leukerd In the Eighties!
1 min read
81. To search for words you don’t understand in random dictionaries. 82. The pregnant pause when two people are thinking the same thing. 83. Chili-covered peanuts. 84. Overuse of emoticons in hand-written correspondence. 85. “Cheers”. 86. A great year. 87. An imaginary fiend. 88. The name of Bruce Springsteen’s guitar. 89. Bandage-wearing fetish. 90. A…
The Return Of Leukerd – As If He Ever Left!
1 min read
71. To die in an explosion. 72. Dryness of skin caused by spending too long inside a centrally-heated house. 73. The opposite of schadenfreude. 74. To think that you recognise someone, call out to them and then realise when they turn around that you have been mistaken. 75. To turn around upon hearing a name…
Oh No! Oh Yes! It’s Leukerd Again.
1 min read
61. To come close to realising the definition of a word, without realising how close you actually are. 62. The smallest capital city in the world (Republic of Gouda, population: 2). 63. A hot flush caused by wearing too many layers of clothing in a library. 64. To dream about somebody while talking to them…
51. The fifty-first item in a list. 52. A notebook filled with definitions of leukerd. 53. To continue to repeat a joke even though it is no longer funny. 54. Small piece of green vegetable lodged between the teeth. 55. Traditional Korean game in which the object is to lose all one’s marbles. 56. Bed…
You Guessed It: Yet More Definitions of Leukerd
1 min read
41. A popped pimple. 42. Little-known 1970s Swedish saxophone/melodion duo. 43. Chocolate fondue. 44. Hot rocks. 45. Goose chills. 46. When the weather at a particular time of the year is unusual. 47. To ask “why?”. 48. Fake laughter. 49. To pretend to be in de-tox. 50. Herding sheep.
Still More Definitions of Leukerd
1 min read
31. A never-ending tub of creamy custard yoghurt. 32. To congregate near a train station entrance waiting for 6pm to tick over, so as to take advantage of the fact that after 6pm a two hour ticket lasts until 2am the next day. 33. To pretend to be interested in football. 34. An adopted child.…
Even More Definitions of Leukerd
1 min read
21. Small-time comedian whose material is more suited to spoken word. 22. Time traveller. 23. To play phone-tag, eg: “Yeah, well I rang him and left a message and then he rang back and left a message and so I texted him and he texted me back and finally I tried calling his work number…
More Definitions of Leukerd
1 min read
11. To believe that Gouda cheese is Australian. 12. Guus Hiddink. 13. A toothbrush. 14. Small blister caused by badly-fitting roller skates. 15. To skate around a roller rink while holding onto the guard rail. 16. Noise made by small cats after drinking too much milk. 17. Turkish delight. 18. Affectionate name for Buddha. 19.…
Definitions of Leukerd
1 min read
1. Small wingless bird, usually found in desert areas. Eats only wasabi peas. 2. The feeling when one forget one’s own PIN, and thus end up watching in horror as the machine swallows one’s ATM card. “All of a sudden I felt leukerd, then just stupid.” 3. To dance perpetually in a room containing one…