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NYWF program now online – UNTOLD!
2 min read
Maybe I’ve had too many coffees, maybe I’m cracked out on Codral, or maybe I’m just in a hurry but the good news is that the program for the 2007 National Young Writers Festival is now online, and it’s bulk ace. It’s been a few years since I went to Newie, so it’s good to…
Klare Lanson: Chaos and Collaboration
4 min read
Klare Lanson is an artist working in poetry, sound, film and performance. She fuses text, gesture, electronic music and visual imagery to create experimental performance works. Klare’s performances are numerous and include the This Is Not Art Festival, Overload Poetry Festival, La Mama Theatre, The Melbourne International Arts Festival and many other live venues throughout…
The Material Poem
2 min read
The Material Poem is a new e-anthology edited by James Stuart and published by non-generic productions. The blurb on the site says: The Material Poem features the work of some 28 Australian poets, artists and critics, all of whom are engaged with poetry, and more broadly language, as a material form. This body of work…
It’s all happening heya!
1 min read
… as Bill Lawry would say. Inboxes all over the world are now groaning under the symbolic weight of an invitation to the launch of my debut poetry collection, We Will Disappear! Download away, ye mavens of the intermatubes! Yikes, double yonkers and holy reality Batman! Let the count-down begin. Just over three weeks till…
Catwalk for Dummies
1 min read
eat your cake! there isn’t any more “keep your eyes glued to the floor” left foot first then right & left again ladies pretend you’re gentle (ben, listen for the compere’s little rhyme our DJ sets the beats: just keep time roadies will escort you to the stage so let’s all read from the same…
2 min read
testing ah testing one two three four five six – is this thing on? can you hear me up the back there? no? okay how about now? that’s good that’s better (okay damn the PA what i came here to say is quite simple really (just listen to me now you’ve heard what everybody else…
Image Disponible Prochainement: “Untitled”
2 min read
DNRC081 | 7″ | 2015
Patrick Jones: ebay activism
4 min read
UPDATE: JUST FREE WATER IS NOW ON MYSPACE! Patrick Jones is a conundrum: installationist, artist, provocateur, former bookshop owner and – yes, let’s say it – poet. Readers of Cordite would be familiar with Patrick’s contributions to the magazine over a period of years, including his cover image for Issue #11 (Pandora archive link) way…
Cordite 26: Innocence (2007)
1 min read
Okay so I’m still messin’ around with the index page but the basic news is that Cordite 26 – Innocence is now online! It features 55 poems by 31 bulk ace and fully untold poets, all selected anonymously by our guest poetry editor, MTC Cronin. Dive in and taste the sweetness that is Cordite 26…
Interview on Metaroar!
5 min read
In a nice piece of synchronicity, UK poetry website Metaroar has posted an article (view Wayback Machine version) by Angela Meyer in which she interviews Jill Jones (who testimonialised my book), Paul Hardacre (who is publishing my book) and myself (who, ehm, wrote my book) on the subject of our poetic practices and other burning…
Soi3 at the Melbourne Writers Festival
2 min read
The Melbourne Writers Festival programme is now online and I’m happy to say that there’s a fair bit of poetry this year. While most of the guests seem to be the usual suspects, it’s great to see that js harry will be appearing, although I think I’ll give Clive James and Les Murray a wide…
Interview with Paul Hardacre
8 min read
This one seemed to slip under the radar at the time, but for the sake of archiving and posterity, I’ve reproduced here an interview Paul Hardacre conducted with me a month ago for papertiger’s TIGER TALK e-newsletter, on the subject of my forthcoming book. By the way, did you know that you can now pre-order…
My(sp)ace(face)boo(Lin)k(edin) WTF?
11 min read
G’day mates, Davey here again with just a few of my most recent thoughts, right off the top of my Akubra, about social networks, being cool and all that stuff. Because I know that some of you are just a little bit confused about what it all means. So, for your reading pleasure, I’m going…
Clint Bo Dean & Friends
1 min read
Here’s a picture of me and the gang – during rehearsals for Cats. Enjoy.
It’s a Book!
3 min read
On Monday night I came home from uni half-hoping that a copy of We Will Disappear had arrived in the mail. All that was waiting for me, however, was a statement from my bank telling me how little money I have, and even that was two weeks out of date. I tried to fling the…