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Course summary: Creative Writing
1 min read
In 2005, as part of my Asialink residency in Seoul, I delivered a one-semester course in creative writing within the Department of English at Sogang University.
Course summary: Australian Culture
2 min read
In 2005, as part of my Asialink residency in Seoul, I delivered a one-semester course on Australian culture within the Department of English at Sogang University.
Alone in an airport
1 min read
all the concessions have finally closed the luggage tags likewise now unravel – i’ve spent the night in an airport alone even the cleaners have all gone home … out on the tarmacs the rain is a canvas the planes are invisible up in the sky at every counter the shutters have risen only perfumes…
Tintin & the Death Star
2 min read
i thought i smelt bad on the outside! now with this insufferable goon solo hacking my insides away only to reveal this succubus (this blonde boy tintin i will revise the absolute truth of that observation – phew! not a good start i’ll say – & how he’ll go on to blow up the death…
1 min read
two intersecting lines radiate strings of heartbeats in four times double the directions secreting small agents into the surrounding streets & lanes transfers of desire stilt-legged voyages hour-burst rambles freshly-bottled smell of the underground random splices of muzac shred the dark corners of an interruption clock’s soundless alarm men follow women towards escalators triggered by…
Phone the sky?
1 min read
look up to the sky and phone me … don’t leave home without photographing it … never wake up when the stars are text messaging … just hang up when the delay starts messing with your head … all your italian credit is dead … gone to the great numeral zero in the magnetic strip…
2 min read
in abendland our eyes only reflect the windows of real estate agencies couples roam there; small dogs shit wherever they like; everyone has a slightly bulging belly in abendland & guitar music is de rigeur; words like de rigeur are never used; rivers flow & wood are pictures hung up in galleries frequented on sundays…
Another Death Star
2 min read
i hear lady vader’s footsteps clang on the stainless steel gangway; i look busy attending to my knobs & flashing buttons but the dark side is so strong in this one that i am forced to switch on an emergency power generator – red lights bleed across my console & i swivel in my chrome-plated…
2 min read
there’s a boy leaving home on the train – i can see him see his mother on the platform trying not to cry – the boy knows no restraint too young to hold it in he’s bawling – for a moment he is me & i can feel that sad old fear of separation grown…
Landschaft (Mit Gerhard Richter)
1 min read
took a photograph of sunday night then blew it all onto a wall in paint something stirs in the brittle light – almost like your first vacation’s abrupt denoument; studio sounds erupt into white (the power’s down) this wasn’t scripted neither were your forearms’ shudders – closing in on abstract stalks that make a silhouette…
Marijuana (In My Mind)
2 min read
Sleeping through the pouring rain Filling up the lakes and rivers she Came to my dark dream bed & Read me stories from a strange Book (turned the pages like a Grave & held me close under the Nightlights smoking marijuana in My mind†- trucks speed onto Autobahns while phone booths Hold the sodden homeless…
Baudelaire in Bruxelles
2 min read
a silent cartoon wanders the non-descript chaussee over bridges it casts its chisel comic-book shadows illuminated by a passing policeman’s truncheon light as air; that withered stare turns flowerboxes to stones or the dogs to barking fruit stalls there in the internet cafe glare baudelaire calls burundi for twelve cents – resenting the booth’s semi-…
Unter Dem Radar
2 min read
harrison ford had it made in indiana jones part three fucking that austrian woman in venice – ah venice – as they slipped under that radar beneath all the clanging sunday bells of canareggio … meanwhile sean connery (presumably touched himself or his manufactured wig knowing that once they reached the castle of the gestapo…
1 min read
What’s the story, Ludwig? Have you found a perfect View? What did you have For supper last night? & did The swans tow your body to Sleep? What did you find in The gothic skylines above Your wooden wagerian bed? Could you go once fantasy Faded? Did you hear music In the reconstructions of Tristan…
Teenage Mutant Ninja Fuehrer
1 min read
round & round the imbiss i go scurrying hither or screaming thither wound on sugars & holiday gases with my turtle backpack & my plucky green hat they cannot catch me! cannot know my moves the yodels that maintain me i delight in my terror & underneath this shirt flabby muscles quiver (my brain goes…