
y2k plus three viet man i’ll never
say it again packets unsprawled
divers glide through schools of
fish though none touch him it’s
a miracle of chaos & control –

neon blades an old lake’s hole
marginal silent on great heights
a pinstripe increases the speed
the tourist’s unease the matrix
unloaded unpacked a dead stop

bicycle heartbeat swerves & the
miniscule drivers unlicensed a
rich mans sons & daughters on
joyrides by an hour francophone
snarl we crave the roadbikes of

ukraine the minsk tron: import
asian tigers on the cheap cheap
no horns & no tooting near our
orphanages mangled bicycles a
symbol of all that’s lost beyond

dien bien phu y-2-40k per year
or forgotten helmets quick fixes
workshop decapitation freedom
& democracy are only excuses a
dream of one day slowing down

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