
The Next Big Thang

Poet Ivy Alvarez, whose latest book is Mortal, invited me to participate in this self-interview blog meme called The Next Big Thing, where I get to share a little more about my next book. Writers participating get to answer 8-10…

Humility Publishing

Last year I received the good news that my PhD thesis, "Bonfire of the Vanity Presses: Self-Publishing in the Field of Australian Poetry" had been accepted by Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, meaning that I could start to go around calling myself a doctor (except in emergency situations on planes). To celebrate, I've posted the Preface here. Read on, if you dare ...

covers: poems by nick whittock

covers: poems by nick whittock (Cordite On Demand, 2004) COD’s second book, by cricket tragic and librarian Nick Whittock, was a lot of fun to make. Nick wanted the book to be shaped like the old Footrot Flats comics. Once…

OI: poewemz bii tom see

OI: poewemz bii tom see (Cordite On Demand, 2004) Earlier this year, deciding that my life wasn’t nearly as busy as it could be, I set up an imprint for Cordite Press, known as COD, or Cordite On Demand. Its…