terror nullius

The Invention of Marzipan

My MA (Creative Writing) thesis, a 30,000 word novella, described the invention of Marzipan in a fictional German town during a Famine in the 1400s. This paper maps its history and terrain, offering some hints as to Marzipan’s general composition and effects.

A Brief History of Marzipan

I began writing the story of Marzipan: a Confection in the mid-1990s, the first results of which were published as the prose piece ‘A Brief History of Marzipan’ (New England Review, UNE) in 1999. I've re-posted it here for posterity. Or something.

The Way of Terror Nullius

Notes Pilgrims should follow the order of actions set out in the Cook Book, that is: Meditation, followed by Prayer. There is no obligation to visit each Station; nor is there any obligation to fast before or after the ceremony,…