September 2005

Just Another Manic Update

Rather than bore my dear readers with the minutiae of my sojourns here in Seoul (what I had for breakfast, the weather forecast, how much I miss home), I seek instead in this post to offer a few random snippets,…

Cities of Q –

Q, you built a city inside my heart and now I’m trying to make it back. Do you remember what it looks like? What we did there? Where is it now? In this city there’s a lake that’s filled with…

An airport, alone

in the arrivals hall i begin planting trees walk naked through abandoned latrines the veins of the airport throb in safety nevertheless i will practice my tai-chi the gangways are empty of tired feet inside the food court fake ferns…

Welcome to PC Bangs!

Hello, welcome to PC Bangs and my apologies for the delay in getting things started. I have now been in Seoul for what seems like an eternity but which has actually only been two weeks. Over time, I hope to…