Category: Davey Dreamnation

Davey Dreamnation (not pictured) was conceived during the playing of a Genesis L.P. in April 2001. A legend in his own signature drawstring jarmies, a colossus of lo-fidelity, a harbinger of jitches and drum fills and ‘the Skylab of his generation’, Davey describes himself as an Australasian pirate who lives in the third person, and that’s good enough for us. Davey is apparently fluent in Esperanto and enjoys ice hockey and Joy Division. Read posts from the last five or ten years, then consider for a moment a world without Davey. Sad, isn’t it?

  • DNRC017 | LP | 2003

  • Once again, Davey Dreamnation has confounded his critics by reaching the Number 1 spot on the lo-fi albums charts. That’s right, Davey’s sophomore album, Recognition Of Prior Learning has reached #1 for the second time. Davey wishes to thank Stung, Scaramouche and Quito for their efforts and support over the years. Read it and…

  • Come ere, your uncle Clint wants to say something to ya. This is a heads up, okay, and I’m not gunna repeat anything so this is thinking time, right? Right. Shoulders back. Heads up, backs straight. Knees pressed together, shoelaces tied separately. Eyes open, mouth shut. Pencils down, balloons up. Please use graph paper for…

  • Nearly one year on from its original release, Davey Dreamnation’s barnstorming sophomore album continues to weave its spell, sitting at #3 on the lo-fi album charts. The continued success of both the album and follow-up singles “tribesco” and “48 Bars” has increased speculation that athird album can’t be too far off. Sources close to the…

  • Does it matter if I ask the ladies so many questions? Do you ever wear lycra? Your make-up looks smudged, or is that a trail of mustard on your top lip? Do you like cream buns? What’s the current temperature beneath your armpit? Why does lettuce go soggy anyway? Have you been to Uranus? Why…

  • I know you’re curious about me. What makes me tick? How do I have my tea? Are my underpants red? Am I wearing underpants? How do I get my hair to stay that way? Do I like pets? Is my fridge running? How do I manage to write such emotionally retarded music? How much did…

  • Well, it’s another day in the life of Clint Bo Dean and I’m loving it. Pulled out my vinyl copy of “Cats: the Musical” today and boy, did it look good. The record was in pristine condition, basically never played. I just put it on top of the record player and watched it for a…

  • While [d/dn] looks on in grief as his popularity slips on the artist charts, the exact opposite is true for the track “Foggy Dew Edit” from his barnstorming Recognition of Prior Learning LP. This kick-arse piece of noodling sits at present at #5 on the lo-fi charts, despite not possessing any lyrics or song…

  • [d/dn] has returned triumphantly to the charts, with a blistering attack on its upper reaches. Just one week after its release, the slow-burning Tribesco has debuted at #5 on the lo-fi single charts. Even more ominously, [d/dn] himself sits at #2 on the artist charts and should reach #1 as a matter of course.…

  • In news from, it appears Davey Dreamnation has risen from the dead. His latest offering is a double single, “48 Bars” b/w “Tribesco”. Rumour has it that he intends to release the Tribesco LP before the end of the year. We’ll see if that ever eventuates.

  • Simply The Best, ‘s’all I wanna say. The woman is a genius, having recently sang for Oprah’s 50th birthday, which would have been like de ja vu for Tina, having turned 50 herself only twenty years ago. Last week I channelled Tina’s spirit at a karaoke bar in Sydney by singing my all time favourite…

  • After two years of hard slog, outrageous fortune, sharp barbs and three-cornered jacks, Davey Dreamnation is said to be considering his future in the music biz. Just minutes after landing the Number 1 spot on he was heard to mutter: “Well, it’s not fair to the kids, is it? I mean, I just waltz…

  • Seething words greeted shocked journalists queued outside the Tribesco compound this morning, having been invited to attend a secret slap-dash interview press conference with the increasingly erratic Davey Dreamnation. It seems success has bypassed his head and gone straight for the jugular, as the journos soon found out. “I’m pretty happy with the second album…

  • Hold onto your jarmies, all ye fans of Davey Dreamnation. Today, for the second time, a full-length record by Davey Dreamnation has reached Number 1 on the Lo-Fi album charts, astounding critics, chiropractors, cotton pickers and chopper pilots. Long-term fans will recall that the last time this happened, Davey was halfway through his debut…

  • Davey Dreamnation’s popularity is at its highest since his infamous breakthrough to #1 on the charts in October 2002. Recognition of Prior Learning, the astonishing aural experience that has been described by Howard Jones as “theft – pure and simple”, by Chris de Burgh as “Not a patch on Eastern Wind” and by Stung…