Category: Davey Dreamnation
Davey Dreamnation (not pictured) was conceived during the playing of a Genesis L.P. in April 2001. A legend in his own signature drawstring jarmies, a colossus of lo-fidelity, a harbinger of jitches and drum fills and ‘the Skylab of his generation’, Davey describes himself as an Australasian pirate who lives in the third person, and that’s good enough for us. Davey is apparently fluent in Esperanto and enjoys ice hockey and Joy Division. Read posts from the last five or ten years, then consider for a moment a world without Davey. Sad, isn’t it?
Davey Dreamnation: “Tribesco”
1 min read
DNRC053 | EP | 2005
Getting My Nicks Fix
2 min read
I am proud to say that Stevie Nicks has long been an influence on my recordings, hairstyles and genetic make-up. I was immensely happy when she finally left those bogans in Fleetwood Mac and embarked on her simply astonishing (not to mention moving) solo career. I was, however, gutted to learn that I will miss…
The iClint™
2 min read
During a recent gruelling brainstorming session for the track listing on my debut album, I hit upon an incredible invention: the iClint™, a personal music system for the discerning music fan. Composed of a cassette player that doubles as a mask to wear either to masquerade balls or to the opening night of any of…
Etiquette for CATS Fans
4 min read
It’s about time someone spoke up about the appalling way in which CATS fans behave sometimes. I found the following advice on the wonderful Cats Musical website and I urge ALL fans of CATS to HEED it. Because of the popularity of the video and so many new theatre fans that Cats attracts, a gentle…
Never Go Ashtray
3 min read
Today I began work on what will, I am sure, eventually come to be known as the greatest album I will ever record. Its prospective title is “Never Go Ashtray”, a quite clever pun on “Never Go Astray”, a mantra I repeat to my hair in the mirror each morning. The album is in fact…
If rumours were true …
2 min read
I’d have grown a beard by now. As it is, my bum fluff couldn’t polish a midget’s toenail. I’d be rolled in dough, baked for fourty minutes then served sliced, with an assortment of sauces and marinades. As it is, I’ve got a migraine and my catarrh gives even some record producers curry. I’d be…
[d’dn] at number 1 – again
1 min read
This is getting a bit boring now – but davey dreamnation is sitting pretty at number 1 on the lo-fi charts, again. Thanks everyone.
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (5)
1 min read
Clint Bo Dean and Enya de Burgh snuggled in the back of the cab on the way back out to the airport to hand in their badges and empty their lockers. Enron had been emphatic: there was no place in the Air Poets for closet Dan Brown lovers. ìYou know, if weíre lucky, we might…
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (4)
2 min read
Sitting up now, Enya frowned at the complimentary issue of Stanzas on the bedside table, whose cover boasted: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SONNETS! She turned and gazed at the other bunk across the room. The man staring back at her looked tousled and weary, though still pretty attractive. îYou need a vacation, Clint.î…
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (3)
5 min read
Clint Bo Dean drifted out of sleep, like a grand human idea approaching its fulfillment in an age of machines. A Minitel unit was twiddling in the husked gloom of his Hotel Formule 1 cubicle – a shining, chortling sound not unlike that of his own brain in neutral. He stumbled out of his bunk…
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (2)
4 min read
AFTER HOSING DOWN their uniforms and supervising the hideous clean-up task, de Burgh and Bo Dean caught a cab back to the city for their de-briefing. It would have been easier to take one of their own cars back but as both were now in a long-term parking lot, it was easier to catch a…
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (1)
5 min read
CLINT BO DEAN ran his finger along the zipper of the middle-aged woman’s travel bag. îLooks like you’ve got a lot of reading ahead of you, ma’am! Anything you can recommend in here?î The woman’s harried look gave Bo Dean pause; however he kept on with his goofish routine, in the hope that she’d save…
Some of my many secrets …
1 min read
I am bad. I can sing. My number is 83. Starlight Express. Mono recordings of my sleep patterns. Josie. The ‘Sippi Hole. Spurt. Tab Cola. Mumps. Knee-high white sports socks. National Geographic World (kids’ version). Maps of Mexico. Yucatan. A shiny red bicycle with a rear reflector the size of a saucepan. Nissan cars with…
Davey Dreamnation: “Recognition of Prior Learning”
3 min read
DNRC034 | LP | 2004
Seethe: “Stung By a Bee”
2 min read
DNRC027 | LP| 2003