Chris de Burgh
Some housekeeping regarding the early Chris de Burgh albums
You may recall that I’ve embarked on a massive project involving an analysis of the early Chris de Burgh albums—and specifically his lyrics. Given the scope of this project, my progress is slow, but steady. However, inevitably, choosing a new…
Chris de Burgh on Iran
Recent events in Iran have filled me with shock and mounting horror, and I send my heartfelt sympathies and support to all my friends and fans there who may have been caught up in what has become a huge international…
Chris de Burgh: Crusader (1979)
How to write a Deerhunter review in 300 words or less
Chris de Burgh: At the End of a Perfect Day (1977)
I’ve been flat out digging through the online archives of the Chris de Burgh website, in particular the vast wealth of information contained within the Man On the Line (MotL) section, wherein Chris personally responds to questions and queries. While,…
Chris de Burgh on fame, privacy and fans
I have always been very polite to my fans as long as they understand that there are public moments and private moments. Even on tour I demand my privacy, particularly if I am tired. And I can’t be available to…
Christy Burr: “Sunlight & Vodka Cruisers”
DNRC086 | LP | 2017
I’ve obviously missed my calling in life
How many times can the name Chris de Burgh be mentioned on a poster before it starts to look, I don’t know, creepy? I really like the attention to detail in this shot, right down to the watch and wedding…