Tag: Cordite Poetry Review

  • UPDATE: JUST FREE WATER IS NOW ON MYSPACE! Patrick Jones is a conundrum: installationist, artist, provocateur, former bookshop owner and – yes, let’s say it – poet. Readers of Cordite would be familiar with Patrick’s contributions to the magazine over a period of years, including his cover image for Issue #11 (Pandora archive link) way…

  • Today I received an email from a poet who was involved in the Cordite Poetry Review Search issue asking me about the methodology we employed in the exercise. For those with long memories, the Search issue came out in January 2004, however the experiment itself was originally enacted on the Poetry Espresso mailing list as part…

  • Cordite #24

    Cordite 24 – Common Wealth features over fifty new poems by Australian and international poets including Kris Hemensley, Kevin Brophy, Ban’ya Natsuishi, Carol Jenkins, Aileen Kelly, Rebekah Moon, Todd Swift, Diane Fahey and many more! Plus! Cordite 24.1 – Candylands: a special American poetry feature edited by Michael Farrell including poems by Catherine Daly, Kevin…

  • I have a couple of poems coming out this week. One’s in the understated and unpretentious Tasmanian literary bi-annual Famous Reporter, and it’s entitled “There’s A Wild Jack Russell In the Moon”. I’m really happy that this poem has found a home (and in case you haven’t noticed by now, I am obsessed with the…

  • Ern Malley, the original dromedary of Australian poetry, has been anthologised, criticised and mythologised beyond belief. It’s perhaps sobering to reflect that while Ern Malley’s creators, his twin Gepettos James McAuley and Harold Stewart along with his original sponsor Max Harris have passed from this world, Ern’s legend lives on. What is it about Ern…

  • covers: poems by nick whittock (Cordite On Demand, 2004) COD’s second book, by cricket tragic and librarian Nick Whittock, was a lot of fun to make. Nick wanted the book to be shaped like the old Footrot Flats comics. Once we got this in our minds, everything else flowed naturally and what you get for…

  • As the title suggests, Cordite 22: Editorial Intervention was devoted to editors. I solicited poetry and other works from over 20 Australian and international poetry editors. Cordite #22 is now online, featuring poems by poetry editors past and present, including Adrian Wiggins, Ali Alizadeh, alicia sometimes, Alison Croggan, Ban’ya Natsuishi and many more! I’ve even…

  • Cordite #21

    Cordite #21 is now online, featuring poems by Ouyang Yu, Christopher Kelen, Lu Yang, Ethan Paquin, John Gascoigne, Richard Reeves, Simon Hall, Anna Jackson, Louis Armand and Sarah French. But wait, there’s more. Robo-poems! Yes, we’ve finally chosen eleven winning robo-poems from the MOUNTAIN of entries we received late last year. We hope you enjoy…

  • Get your flippers on, we?re going diving. Cordite #20 is a completely underwater issue: SUBMERGED! POETRY Starring snappy poets joanne burns, Pam Brown, nick whittock, Jen Tsen Kwok, Jane Gibian, Anna Jackson, Mark Pirie, Louise Oxley, Ouyang Yu and more. FEATURES James Stuart cuts loose with an investigation into visual poetry. Read his article in…

  • OI: poewemz bii tom see (Cordite On Demand, 2004) Earlier this year, deciding that my life wasn’t nearly as busy as it could be, I set up an imprint for Cordite Press, known as COD, or Cordite On Demand. Its aims were pretty ambitious – basically a complete shake-up of the Australian publishing industry. While…

  • Cordite #19

    Well they said we’d never make it. This, the nineteenth issue of Cordite Poetry Review, has turned out to be our biggest and most varied so far for 2004. With nineteen poems (appropriately enough) plus a collection of Slivers by Ian McBryde, Anti/Heroes is packed with more poetic moments than a tin of sonnets. Speaking…

  • Cordite #18

    It’s been a hectic couple of months here in the Cordite bunker, following our server crash and its attendant dramas. Nevertheless, we’re pleased as punch to announce that Cordite has come of age, with our 18th issue now online! The theme for this issue, Roots, obviously inspired a whole bunch of poets to write a…

  • Cordite #17

    Cordite #17 DRIVER has pulled into the carport two days ahead of schedule, and is ready for your persual. Driver is designed to get your motor running, featuring interviews with Andrew Cox of the Fauves and Margaret Phillips of the National Library of Australia’s Pandora Project, as well as articles by Louise Swinn, Lucina Kathmann…

  • Cordite #16

    Happy New Year to all our readers, and what better way to kick out the jams than with a fresh batch of poems – Search Poems, to be exact. Cordite’s very pleased to present, in conjunction with the Poetry Espresso mailing list, this selection of poems (our sixteenth issue, and our tenth online), written using…