final oceanic junk channel-deepened by temporal bo'sun of the universe are you some castaway floating sea kelp island where dawning abendland in elysian fields of restfulness recon- structs her deadly breeding grounds? or are you one of the gods sun ra maybe following the comet kohoutek? are you in favour of daylight savings bonsai maintenance massive oil wars or just some mosquitoes flying through the dredged & dying murray wetlands? could you be an untapped source of poisons for travelling parasites or are you still hiding that sneaky Y2K virus in your unpopped pimples? see the ANZAC memorials to the rest of the earth's extinct flora & fauna that within your vast circumference kick against the pricks & crash down or else act like cruel coat hangers & behead those riding underneath trees blending superstition with the brave recommendations of commissioners to brand that theoretical spot in our atmosphere with an unequivocal X - the innocent & pacified collaborators who coaxed the flies into your mouth
Tag: Final Friday (page 2 of 2)
i wish to specifically send remembrances & love to you & how is your mother bernard is she well? i do hope so (tho i've never met her or your good self nevertheless send her my regards & fred woods is well? i do hope the bruise heals soon (tho what happened i can't tell & young jim hartigan is he likewise well? i do hope so but please do send him my best regards & the solution to this week's crossword is enclosed ada i do hope she's well you speak so highly of her now don't go jumping to conclusions bernard i can only go by what you tell meh about your bowel movements bernard are they regular i pray so for you know my views on this issue prunes & buttermilk (enough said eva i presume she's well oh i hope so & as i know oh she's very cute in that photo you mentioned enclosing never did arrive unfortunately still i see her pretty well from here & very cute she is & her parents mr & mrs fryer are both cute i hope so please also kindly pass on to dear mr fryer my sincere congratulations on winning the bridge tournament & don't ask how i know! tell ted he's wanted in several states over here (i'm sure he'll get the joke it's private i don't recall who louie is but please send him or her fond salutations & finally tom touchstone who i can't place (no i'm getting nothing but suppose & hope he is well i guess that's all but also to other friends not named e.g. pet cats the milkman (oh he is a cute one
'O Kitteh! Meh Kitteh! Mai feeful trip iz dun, k? Teh hoomun haz weferd evareh rack, teh googie wii want iz wawn, Teh nom nom iz near, teh bels Iz heer, teh ppl iz exultez, Wyl folo Iz teh stedeh keel, teh vesel grim an dareh ... But O srsly! O teh bleedin drobs ob red, Wear awn teh dek meh Kitteh lys, Falen cold an ded. K. O Kitteh! Mai Kitteh! Ryz up an heer teh bels; Riyz up -- for yu teh flag iz flun -- for yu teh b00gil trls, For yu b00kays an ribawn reefs--for yu teh shawz a-crowdeh, For yu dey cal, teh swayin mas, feir eegr fases an him sez: 'Hare Kitteh! Deer fafar! Dis rm benefe yor hed! It iz some Zzzzzz dat awn teh deck, Yu've falen cold an ded? Kfx.' Meh Kitteh do not want anser, him lips r payl an stil, Meh fafar do not want feel meh rm, him haz do not want! Puls do not want! Teh ship iz ankud sayf an sownd, its voyej closed an dun, Fwom feeful trip teh hoomun cums in wif wawn objetc; Exolt O shaws, an rign O bels! But Iz wif mownful foots, Walk teh dek meh Kitteh lies, Falen cold an ded. Srly. Kfxbai. Walt Whitman, "O Captain! My Captain!", Leaves of Grass (10th edition)