
Stars & Stripes

I have seen things you do not wish to see, in any theatre, not even in war. Together we have seen & done what few could ever imagine, even inside these dream machines. The men emerging from cubicles with their…


This sound, that stinks of dirty sneakers (never boots, they’re meant for da smeris speaks of djungel, uprooted flowerpots (never flares, maybe strobelight analysis strewn across the asfalt like the remains (not the actual remains, mind, but echoes of tribal…

Coming soon to K-Town!

Things have taken a turn for the untold here in Karlskrona, with today’s unveiling by Talan ‘Mad Skillz’ Memmott of a poster advertising the upcoming Cabaret Voltage event. Scheduled to rock the Scandinavian e-lit scene in a manner not witnessed…

Call for Works for ELMCIP Anthology

Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice (ELMCIP), a collaborative research project funded by the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) JRP for Creativity and Innovation, seeks submissions of electronic literature from European writers and…