March 2006

Fresh poemz online

It’s been a little while since I last had some poems online but as of today there’s two fresh ones at the PFS Post site, run by Philly poet Adam Fieled, entitled “Exes & Zeroes” and “Oh God!”. I’ve also…

Hunger Sleep

Sparks flew off the gravity wheel as I lay still and hungry in the dark. Couldn’t sleep, or thought I wasn’t dead. The sound of Jay Leno made me want to throw my crash test dummy away, buy a car…

Storm Girl

as soon as she kissed me the storm front wheeled around (& something in the way her eyeshadow ran signalled the changing of the big new year tides the fishermen had warned us of down on the beach where her…

Great Big Star

I’m David Niven but I can’t say who you are. You’re the mystery light shining from a great big star. I’m a top gun actor but I’ve gone and lost my lines. You’re the only script writer I’d entrust with…


you realise this message is for you now – entering this bright blue now for the first time – the thirst for word from an emergency (not a word† you wanted to hear – it strikes you now as surreal…