March 2007

Jess Malvern

The creek’s steam mingles with our gossip, picking apart other peoples’ reputations, as we do. The morning stream calls. I ran out of the house, missing the fern by millimetres. In a way this flood is funny. It washes so…

Contre le sexisme!

Well, I read the news today and oh boy – I heard that Jean Baudrillard had died, and I thought, yeah, I should write a blog post about him, and about how his ideas of the simulacra and the evil…

Afternoon Clouds Sprinkles

Reading your electrical poems in a Northcote bar in winter made me long for Sydney where July was windy and wet but not cold. I sat in a laudromat once, read Faulkner to stay warm – & by September the…

Gig at La Mama!

What a way to begin the month of March – ie, by looking forward to the month of April, my favourite month of the year! Yes, that’s right – as the flier above explains clearly enough on its own, I’ve…