February 2008

Smoke Thirty

The final scene of the holo depicts Moon’s troubled return to earth, a slow-moving, almost haunting montage of his metamorphosis from an astronaut into a late twenty-something Korean man catching the subway to Incheon. Nobody recognises him. His journey decelerates…

Smoke Twenty Nine

In the feature holo a young engineer becomes the first Korean to land on the moon. The Aramis Drive is packed with pods, lasers carve advertising daemons in the crackling air and for once I’m grateful for the busyness, seeing…

Smoke Twenty Eight

I’m the writer in residence in an empty house you’ll never see. I’m sleeping in a small box, floating on a bed of sea noise. We will never visit the holo drive, though I have been there several times, posing…


aramis information dawns on this computer world we’re stuck inside this outside the computerrains modelling suggests my hard drive skips a beat & becomes a snafu feelings & love now widgets send up moon batteries for my flat earth theorist…


in the heart of your mouth there’s a tongue there’s a beat there’s a heart shaped like stars & that’s where you are (& valentine’s day lasts for ten more hours when you’re on the line you’re mine i’m whining…