Yakitori is god’s gift to mankind

We just had the most extreme yakitori experience in Ikebukuro, pole position next to the master of his domain, a chef whose power animal must be either a small agile bear or a racoon (actually, I’d rather liken him to a crouching tiger). Japanese restaurants break so many OHS and union regulations, it is a joy to behold and to partake of such criminally addictive food. Kitchen hands pass their arms through sheer walls of flame, a cloth is dipped in a dirty bucket of water and then wrung out on the kitchen floor before being wiped on the serving bench. My old boss at bills 2 in sydney (the very one, Bill Grainger) would weep at the thought. And yet, the food is divine. Yam Yam and the Pang.

Davey Dreamnation
Davey Dreamnation

Davey Dreamnation (1972–?) is an Australalian musician, vocalist, pirate and record-label owner who now lives 'in the third person'.

View his full biography.

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