Category: Blogging
Day-to-day minutiae.
sparklers at the gates of salivation
1 min read
Thanks, Quincey.
1 min read
Thanks, Quincey. This one is my favourite so far. It’s got that 1980s, Smiths/ A-Ha quality to it. Live, on location at the Queen Victoria markets, approximately 3am, on the morning of my birthday. Two weeks ago. Note my fresh haircut. Barely visible, but there nevertheless. I am expecting about two thousand more of these…
P2P review 02
2 min read
Well, I’ve done my duty now, but I have to say I’m not done with this review business. There’s another site I’d like to highlight. That site is Mechanically Separated Chicken and is compiled by my friend and sometime partner in Cordite crime, Carlie Lazar. Yes, that’s right – I am now able to reveal…
the peer-to-peer (P2) blog review project
2 min read
Okay, so I’m a day late with this one, but basically I’ve been involved in this cute little project (P2P – dead link) where people review each others’ blogs. It’s a way of getting people to read more widely, I guess, and make new connections. I’ve been asked to review a blog called “S’all Good…
and now, i am thirty
2 min read
Praise the God of all good things, I’ve finally hit thirty. And doesn’t it feel great! I had an awesome time at my birthday party on the weekend – it was so nice to see so many people there, all having fun drinking, listening to some top tunes and generally GETTING JIGGY WID IT. The…
hello again
2 min read
How have you been? Happy? Are you smiling today? What colour t-shirt are you wearing? Why am I asking you these questions? Because, as Henry Rollins would say “I know you. I know everything about you.” I know why you’re reading this. I know what you’re thinking as you scroll down this page: … fucking…
Greetings from Woomera
4 min read
Hello Australia, hello world. Greetings from Woomera, South Australia, Easter 2002. Red dust, blue sky, one thousand people, 100 cops – one detention centre, 380 human beings inside; two fences between the protesters and the detainees; one massive gulf between what the people of Australia have been told about these ‘illegals’, ‘queue jumpers’, ‘terrorists’, ‘others’…
This will be my last post for about a week or so
1 min read
Tomorrow I’m heading off into the South Australian desert to join the convergence that is Woomera 2002. If you want to keep in touch with what’s going on there, log onto Indymedia (dead link). As you’ve probably noticed, I went into prose overdrive the last couple of days. I think the quality of writing is…
city :: urban
2 min read
I spent most of today shuttling back and forth between North Melbourne and Fitzroy, via various trams, including one of the brand news ones, a complimentary ride in a space-age tram! I was in Fitzroy recording two tracks for a radio show, The Red Room, which goes out on the airwaves in Sydney and elsewhere.…
hold on, i’m coming!!
2 min read
Or at least, that’s what my namesake David Prater, he of Sam and Dave fame, would say, were he alive today. Kind of eerie, this whole doppelganger thing. Western society raises us to a level of individual consciousness whereby any thought of similarity between oneself and others is merely coincidental, if not downright spooky. That’s…
wire, wire, pants on fire
2 min read
Here’s another one of those photoshop pictures I was telling you about a couple of weeks ago. This one’s called ‘wires’ and was taken at Woomera in South Australia. As I think I also mentioned a few weeks ago, there’s going to be a protest at the detention centre in Woomera at easter, details of…
1 min read
Okay so I’ve signed on for the blog reviewing project (P2P project – link dead). This is a message to the person who’s lucky enough to get me: tread carefully and patiently, childe. This blog is merely two weeks old. I am yet young in the mysterious ways of the blog, and have been making…
the night i met beck
2 min read
Not many people know this, but I actually met Beck about a year ago in a nightclub in Sydney.* the night i met beck tells the story of that fateful encounter, and was first published in the 2001 edition of Going Down Swinging, a kewl Melbourne-based rag. Some of the tracks on the spoken word…
great news!
1 min read
A Sydney-based poetry radio show called the Red Room has accepted two of my poems for broadcast! They’ve come up with some great ideas, including an epic poem (text and audio) made from a line of each successful submission. Tres kewl. Not sure yet whether the show is broadcast on any community radio stations in…
oh and, erm, about that last post …
2 min read
No offence intended to anyone in particular. I guess I’m just feeling a little wearied by hype. Hype would have to be one of the greatest drivers of nothing in particular since the invention of Trivial Pursuit. We have hype to thank for 3G mobiles, the Internet in general and the Strokes. Not that any…