
Of course, there’s no point writing oneself into a corner or being labelled a one trick poet. So I’ve started writing fiction. Actually, I’ve always written prose. Poetry is for – oops.

In the Republic

My flight had been delayed by an awkward incident during a brief stopover in Z—. One of the passengers — an older man in a crumpled suit — had been pulled from the boarding queue. Two persons, who did not…


Even at the very end, when it seemed almost hopeless to everyone else, I still believed there was a small chance they’d make it. I fact I’d held onto that belief — stubbornly, I admit, and without logic — since…

Åsa Strålande in ‘Tanto’

Tanto is a work of fiction set in present-day Stockholm, and features locations and practices that will be familiar to residents of that city but which may seem strange to non-Swedes (as may the dialogue, which is almost exclusively rendered in Swedish). However, the story also features several fictional venues and—needless to say—characters and is suitable for all readers over the age of 18. All you really need to know is that Tantolunden (or Tanto for short) is a park on Södermalm in central Stockholm. This first chapter of the story was sent to subscribers to my Poem of the Week email newsletter in April 2014. It also appeared on Medium for about two minutes. Come and join me on a journey to ... Tanto ...