
Morgenland (2007)

‘Morgenland’ is an archaic German word for ‘the East’ which translates literally as ‘morning land’. Morgenland was published by Vagabond Press in 2007. The poems in Morgenland were all written in the Republic of Korea and Japan in 2005–06 as…

Dead Poem Office (2007)

In July 2009, as my PhD thesis was in its final stages of production, I discovered that one of my chapbooks had been archived by the National Library of Australia. But it had never been published. Dead Poem Office (2007)…

Abendland (2006)

Abendland is an archaic term for ‘the West’ and translates from the German (roughly) as ‘evening land’.  Abendland was self-published in print in 2006. The poems in Abendland were all written while travelling in the United States and Europe in…

Re: (2005)

Re: was a 16-page A5 pamphlet co-written with Andy Jackson in 2005. We contributed four poems each, although all poems were unattributed. The desire to make this book object stemmed in part from our involvement in performances, recordings and the…

The Happy Farang (2000)

My first chapbook, The Happy Farang, was self-published in 2000, although the colophon page lists Pumpkin Press as the publisher. The making of The Happy Farang The poems in this chapbook were all written while travelling in Thailand and Laos…